FY 2002 Grant Opportunity
Grant Opportunities

Application Information:

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)

Ecstasy, Other Club Drugs, Methamphetamine and Inhalant Prevention Intervention Cooperative Agreements

Guidance for Applicants (GFA) No. SP02-001

Federal Register Notice: May 23, 2002

Receipt date: July 11, 2002

SAMHSA's Ecstasy/Meth Interventions cooperative agreements are intended for developing, implementing and pilot testing interventions of ecstasy, other club drugs, methamphetamine and inhalants.

Applicants may address either of the following two topics:

  • Ecstasy and other club drug prevention interventions
  • Methamphetamine and/or inhalant prevention interventions

Approximately $4 million will be available for one year.

  • About $2 million will be allocated to ecstasy and other club drug prevention interventions.
  • About $2 million will be allocated to methamphetamine and/or inhalant prevention interventions.

Approximately 12 awards will be made in total costs (direct and indirect) for up to $350,000 for one year.

  • Approximately 6 awards will be made for ecstasy and other club drug prevention interventions
  • Approximately 6 awards will be made for methamphetamine and/or inhalant prevention interventions.
Who Can Apply: Units of State and local governments or Indian tribes and tribal organizations, and domestic private non-profit organizations may apply.

These organizations can include:

  • Community-based organizations
  • Managed care and other health care delivery systems
  • Universities and colleges
  • Faith-based organizations
  • City/county government units
  • Local law enforcement agencies
  • Other public and non-profit private entities
Additional Information:

For questions on program issues, contact:

Soledad Sambrano, Ph.D. or
Pamela C. Roddy, Ph.D.
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Rockwall II, Suite 1075
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
(301) 443-9110
E-Mail: ssambran@samhsa.hhs.gov

For questions on cooperative agreement management issues, contact:

Stephen Hudak
Division of Grants Management, OPS
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Rockwall II, 6th floor
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
(301) 443-9666
E-Mail: shudak@samhsa.hhs.gov

SAMHSA applications consist of three parts:
1. "Part I: Programmatic Guidance" of the Guidance for Applicants (GFA)
provides details about the specific program. 

Click here to download Part I of this GFA in WordPerfect 6/7/8.

"Plain Language" format

"Printer Friendly" format

Click here to download Part I of this GFA in Adobe Acrobat

"Plain Language" format

"Printer Friendly" format

2. "GFA Part II" gives standard provisions for SAMHSA applications.  However, not all GFAs require Part II.  The latest edition of Part II is always available by mail or for electronic downloading from this website. 

GFA Part II is required for this GFA; click here for more information and to download a copy of the file.

 3. SAMHSA applications require forms PHS 5161 and SF-424.  These forms are available online from the Program Support Center of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 

Click here to download Forms PHS 5161 and SF-424.


For further information on these forms and the application process, see Information on the Grant Application Process.


For a printed copy of the grant announcement, including copies of all necessary forms, call National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI): 

  • 800-729-6686

  • 800-487-4889 TDD

or e-mail: info@health.org


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This page was last updated on 24 May, 2002
SAMHSA is An Agency of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services