FY 2002 Grant Opportunity
Grant Opportunities

Application Information:

Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)

Targeted Capacity Expansion (TCE) Grants for Jail Diversion Programs

Guidance for Applicants (GFA) No. SM02-010

Federal Register Notice: April 30, 2002

Receipt dates: June 19, 2002 (for FY 2002 Awards) 
and September 10, 2002 (for FY 2003 Awards)

The SAMHSA-CMHS Jail Diversion Program Grants are intended for programs that divert individuals with mental illness from the criminal justice system to mental health treatment and appropriate support services. These grants or cooperative agreements are made as part of the SAMHSA/CMHS Targeted Capacity Expansion (TCE) program.

This GFA on Jail Diversion, based on the Public Health Service Act, section 520G, is coordinated with the Department of Justice's solicitation "Mental Health Court Grants Program," authorized in P.L. 106-515, Part V, Section 2201.

It is the intention of both agencies to collaborate on both the implementation and analysis of these two programs. The overall goal of this collaboration is to improve policy and practice for addressing the needs of persons with a mental illness or co-occurring disorder who become involved with the criminal justice system.

To this end, each agency will fund programs that do not overlap by type of diversion model implemented. SAMHSA will fund diversion programs for pre- and post-booking diversion that do not involve continuous judicial supervision for treatment and case disposition. In contrast, the Department of Justice will fund Mental Health Courts that will be limited to models where continuous judicial supervision is a key design component.

The SAMHSA-CMHS Jail Diversion Program will offer an estimated $4.0 million to support as many as 10 Capacity Expansion Site Awards and one Technical Assistance and Policy Analysis (TAPA) Center Award.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Applicants with questions on program issues should contact Susan Salasin at 301-443-3653 or ssalasin@samhsa.hhs.gov.  Queries on grants management issues should be directed to Steve Hudak at 301-443-9666 or shudak@samhsa.hhs.gov.

SAMHSA applications consist of three parts:
1. "Part I: Programmatic Guidance" of the Guidance for Applicants (GFA) provides details about the specific program.

Click here to download Part I of this GFA in WordPerfect 6/7/8.

"Plain Language" format (Part 1 and Appendix)

"Printer Friendly" format (Part 1)
"Printer Friendly" format (Appendix)

Click here to download Part I of this GFA in Adobe Acrobat

"Plain Language" format (Part 1 and Appendix)

"Printer Friendly" format (part 1)
"Printer Friendly" format (Appendix)


2. "GFA Part II" gives standard provisions for SAMHSA applications.  However, not all GFAs require Part II.  The latest edition of Part II is always available by mail or for electronic downloading from this website. 

GFA Part II is required for this GFA; click here for more information and to download a copy of the file.

 3. SAMHSA applications require forms PHS 5161 and SF-424.  These forms are available online from the Program Support Center of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 

Click here to download Forms PHS 5161 and SF-424.


For further information on these forms and the application process, see Information on the Grant Application Process.


For a complete application kit, including Parts I and II, Call the CMHS Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN):

  • 800-789-2647

  • 800-443-9006 TTY

  • 301-984-8796 FAX


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This page was last updated on 17 May, 2002
SAMHSA is An Agency of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services