Older Adult Web Resources and Publications


Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Mental Health

The following publications may either be downloaded from the Internet (website links have been provided, if available) or you may link to SAMHSA's National Mental Health Information Center and then order the publications using the provided inventory code. 

1. Mentally Healthy Aging: A Report on Overcoming Stigma for Older Americans, 2005.
Inventory Code: SMA05-3988


2. Community Integration for Older Adults with Mental Illnesses: Overcoming Barriers and Seizing Opportunities, 2005.
Inventory Code: SMA05-4018

3.  Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America, January 2003   http://www.mentalhealthcommission.gov/reports/FinalReport/downloads/downloads.html

4.  Interim Report of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, October 2002
Older Adults with Mental Illnesses Are Not Receiving Care

Good Mental Health is Ageless, December 2001
Inventory code: PHD881


Available in Chinese, 2005

Available in Korean, 2005

Available in Russian, 2005

Available in Spanish, La Buena Salud Mental No Tiene Edad, 2004
Inventory code: PHD881S

Available in Vietnamese, 2006

6. SAMHSA News, Vol 12, No. 4, "Older Adults: Improving Mental Health Services" July/August 2004

7.  Healthy People 2010, Conference Edition, January 2000
Chapter 18: Mental Health and Mental Disorders

8.  Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General, 1999
Chapter 5: Older Adults and Mental Health

9.  Psychosocial Issues for Older Adults in Disasters, 1999
Inventory code: SMA99-3323

10.  Aging Internet Information Notes: Mental Health and Aging

Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 


11.  Aging Internet Information Notes: Suicide and the Elderly

Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Substance Abuse

The following publications may either be downloaded from the Internet (website links have been provided, if available) or you may link to SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information and order the publications using the provided inventory number.

1. The DASIS Report: Older Adult Alcohol Admissions: 2003, 2006

2. The DASIS Report: Retired Admissions: 2003, 2006

3. Substance Abuse Relapse Prevention Manual for Older Adults: A Group Treatment Approach, 2005
Inventory number: BKD525

4 The DASIS Report: Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment: Update, May 5, 2005
Inventory number: SR065

5. The NSDUH Report: Substance Use Among Older Adults: 2002 and 2003 Update, April 22, 2005
Inventory number: SR067

6. Older Adults and Substance Use Disorders, 2004

Inventory number: PHD1079

7.  As You Age...A Guide to Aging, Medicines and Alcohol, 2004
Inventory number: PHD1082

8.  "As You Age" Public Service Announcement #1 (Ask, Guard, Educate), 2004
Inventory number: ADV189

9.  "As You Age" Public Service Announcement #2 (There's No Better Time...), 2004
Inventory number: ADV189

10.  The DASIS Report:  Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment, 2001, May 11, 2004

11. Rethinking the Demographics of Addiction: Helping Older Adults Find Recovery (Recovery Month Webcast), May 5, 2004
Inventory number: VHS184 ($12.50 for VHS tape) or DVD184 ($13.00 for DVD)

12.  Get Connected! Toolkit: Linking Older Adults With Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health Resources, December 2003
Inventory number: GCKIT

13.  Substance Use by Older Adults: Estimates of Future Impact on the Treatment System ,  2002
Inventory number: BKD404

14.  Promoting Older Adult Health: Aging Network Partnerships to Address Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health Problems, March 2002
Inventory number: BKD447

15.  Aging, Medicines and Alcohol, December 2001
Inventory number: PHD882        


Available in Chinese, 2005

Available in Korean, 2005

Available in Russian, 2005

Available in Spanish, El Envejecimiento, los Medicamentos y el Alcohol, 2005
Inventory number: PHD882S

Available in Vietnamese, 2006

16.  Alcohol Use Among Older Adults: Pocket Screening Instruments for Health Care and Social Service Providers, December 2001
Inventory number: PHD883

17.  KAP Keys for Clinicians Based on TIP 26: Substance Abuse Among Older Adults, December 2001
Inventory number: KAPT26

18.  KAP Keys for Clinicians andQuick Guide for Clinicians Based on TIP 26: Substance Abuse Among Older Adults (assembled set), December 2001
Inventory number: KQ26AS

19.  The Hidden Epidemic: Prevention and Intervention of Alcohol and Medication Misuse and Abuse Among Older Adults, Meeting Summary, December 2001
Inventory number: PHD880

20.  The DASIS Report: Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment, December 7, 2001 http://www.oas.samhsa.gov/2k1/OlderTX/OlderTX.cfm
Inventory number: PHD912 

21.  The NHSDA Report: Substance Use Among Older Adults, November 23, 2001 
Inventory number: PHD906

22.  TIP 26: Concise Desk Reference: Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: A Guide to Treatment Providers, June 2000
Inventory number: MS669

23.  TIP 26: Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: A Guide for Social Service Providers--Concise Desk Reference, June 2000 
Inventory number: MS670

24.  TIP 26: Concise Desk Reference--Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: A Physician's Guide, June 2000 

Inventory number: MS671

25.  Healthy People 2010, Conference Edition, January 2000
Chapter 26: Substance Abuse

26.  SAMHSA News, Vol. 8, No. 3, "Treating Elderly Patients: Primary vs. Specialized Care" Summer, 2000
Inventory number: MS901

27.  Alcohol Alert No. 40: Alcohol and Aging, July 1998 
Inventory Number:  PH379

28.  TIP 26: Substance Abuse Among Older Adults, January 1998 
Inventory number: BKD250 

29.  TIP 26: Substance Abuse Among Older Adults (Clinician's version), January 1998 
Inventory number: BKD250C

30.  CSAP Substance Abuse Resource Guide: Older Americans, January 1997 
Inventory number: MS443  

31.  Age Page: Aging and Alcohol Abuse, September 1995
Inventory number: PH358

32.  Using Your Medicines Wisely: A Guide for the Elderly, January 1990 
Inventory number: PHD500X 

33.  Aging Internet Information Notes: Alcoholism and Aging

Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 


34.  Aging Internet Information Notes: Prescription Drugs 

Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


File Date: 2/12/2009