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FBI 100, A Closer Look:


Al Capone
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Mr. Schiff: Hi, welcome to "FBI 100, A Closer Look." I'm Neal Schiff of the Bureau's Office of Public Affairs along with FBI Historian Dr. John Fox. John, the name Al Capone stands out in the gangster era? How bad was Al Capone?

Dr. Fox: "Well Neal Al was known for being the bootlegger with the most power in Chicago. It was thought, in the sense, that he owned the city. He could flaunt his wealth; he could flaunt his illegality and not suffer any consequences for it."

Mr. Schiff: The FBI, then known as the Bureau of Investigation, did look into Capone?

Dr. Fox: "Absolutely. In several matters we were asked to look into Capone. One of them was when he failed to show for a grand jury summons in Chicago. His excuse was that he was down in Florida and that he was suffering back problems. The thing was when we investigated, it turned out he'd gone to the Bahamas for a brief vacation. He had been walking around the area; certainly showed no signs of injury. And when we reported that to the judge, an arrest warrant was sworn out for him and he went to jail until he should up for the court hearing."

Mr. Schiff: Capone did serve time in prison. He eventually became ill and died at what one could say a young age?

Dr. Fox: "Yes Neal the IRS was able to catch him on Tax Evasion charges and he spent a number of years in Alcatraz. He came out a sick man and died at the age of 48."

Mr. Schiff: From the FBI's Public Affairs office, along with Bureau Historian Dr. John Fox, I'm Neal Schiff with "FBI 100, A Closer Look."

Link: "FBI, This Week" ABC Radio Show Archives

Link: FBI History - Radio Sound Bytes