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Airline Ticket Scam - I
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Mr. Schiff: Picture this. You want to fly. You call an airline. You're offered a great deal. But the e-ticket is fake. FBI Special Agent Tom Woodby in Houston says he and another Agent interviewed unsuspecting travelers about ordering phony tickets…

Mr. Woodby: "In interviews with these people, the same two people were coming up with regards with who they bought these through. They didn't buy them through the airlines, these were like friend of a friend of a friend's deal."

Mr. Schiff: Woodby says these two fraudsters sold more than $665,000 worth of e-tickets...

Mr. Woodby: "The transaction, the fake electronics tickets that were issued prior to when we stopped, I think we identified in excess of 1,000."

Mr. Schiff: Woodby says it was a man and woman working this fraud and the woman actually worked in the victim airline's reservation center in Houston...

Mr. Woodby: "She would actually plug somebody's name into the computer. Redo some of the code that the airlines would use and she would print out a confirmation number, destination airport to and from."

Mr. Schiff: The two subjects were convicted and sentenced on wire fraud charges. I'm Neal Schiff of the Bureau and that's the FBI's Closed Case of the Week."

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