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Mayor & Wife Take Bribes - II
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Mr. Schiff:
Public Corruption is one of the top priorities for the FBI.  Turns out that in a New Jersey city, the mayor and his wife, who was on the city’s planning board, were taking bribes from a pub owner.  The FBI got a tip...
Ms. Foster: "We corroborated the source’s information by recording a conversation between the source and a code official.  We then interviewed the code official who agreed to cooperate with the investigation, which was extremely helpful.”

Mr. Schiff: That’s FBI Special Agent Courtney Foster...
Ms. Foster: "We learned from this individual that the mayor’s close friend and campaign treasurer was also aware of the contributions, the cash contributions that the mayor was receiving from the bar owner.”

Mr. Schiff: Foster says nothing was reported...
Ms. Foster: "We then had to determine whether or not the cash was reported on New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission reports.  There was no cash reported so we were able to continue to move forward.”

Mr. Schiff: Foster says this illegal activity went on for four years...
Ms. Foster: "The cash and gifts totaled approximately $40,000.”

Mr. Schiff:                   The couple was sentenced to 51 months in prison.  I’m Neal Schiff of the Bureau and that's the FBI's Closed Case of the Week.

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