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3.1A  INDEPENDENT LIVING, Certifications and Requirements, Adolescent Participation

1. Is there a Federal requirement for the State to formulate a life skills assessment or enter into a personal responsibility contract with each youth receiving services under the CFCIP?

1. Question: Is there a Federal requirement for the State to formulate a life skills assessment or enter into a personal responsibility contract with each youth receiving services under the CFCIP?

Answer: No. The certification at section 477(b)(3)(H) requires the State to ensure that "adolescents" participate directly in designing their own program activities "and accept personal responsibility for living up to their part of the program." There is no specific requirement for States to utilize life skills assessments or personal responsibility contracts to comply with this certification. However, various assessment tools and personal responsibility contracts are currently used by some States to assist youth to make the transition from adolescence to adulthood and we believe that this is a good approach to determining needs and developing appropriate services.

  • Source/Date: 7/25/02
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - section 477(b)(3)(H)

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