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8.4D  TITLE IV-E, General Title IV-E Requirements, Concurrent Receipt of Federal Benefits

1. What is the Department's policy, under title IV-E, on concurrent receipt of benefits under title IV-E and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

2. How should the decision to apply for SSI or title IV-E benefits be made?

3. May we claim title IV-E administrative costs for eligible children who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

4. Are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits under Title XVI made to a child in foster care, including those funds conserved for the child in dedicated accounts, counted as a resource when determining eligibility for title IV-E?

1. Question: What is the Department's policy, under title IV-E, on concurrent receipt of benefits under title IV-E and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? Show History

Answer: There is no prohibition in title IV-E against claiming Federal financial participation (FFP) for foster care maintenance payments or adoption assistance payments made on behalf of a child who is receiving SSI benefits.

Foster Care: Although eligibility for title IV-E foster care is tied to eligibility for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) as was in effect on July 16, 1996 and AFDC precluded concurrent eligibility for payments from AFDC and title XVI (section 402 (a)(24) of the Social Security Act), this preclusion rule is not transferable to title IV-E for the purposes of foster care maintenance payment eligibility determinations. A child, if eligible, may receive benefits from both programs simultaneously.

In cases where the child is eligible for both SSI and title IV-E and there is concurrent receipt of payments from both programs, "the child's SSI payment will be reduced dollar for dollar without application of any exclusion", thus decreasing the SSI benefit by the amount of the title IV-E payment (SSI Program Operations Manual). To reiterate, concurrent receipt is subject to the SSI rule that the SSI payment will be reduced by the amount of the foster care payment.

Adoption Assistance: In the Adoption Assistance program, the applicant may choose to apply for either or both SSI and adoption assistance. Concurrent receipt of benefits from the adoption assistance program and SSI is not prohibited under title IV-E (section 473).

Section 473 of title IV-E created an adoption assistance program which permits Federal matching funds for the costs of adoption assistance for the purpose of encouraging the placement of eligible children in adoptive homes. Under title IV-E adoption assistance (section 473), the scope of eligibility includes children with special needs who are eligible to receive SSI as well as those eligible for AFDC and title IV-E foster care. The statute's intention to extend the program of adoption assistance is clearly stated in section 473 (a)(2)(A)(i)(II): "Each State...shall...make adoption assistance parents...who... adopt a child who...(II) meets all of the requirements of title XVI with respect to eligibility for supplemental security income benefits...."

The adoptive parents of the child eligible to receive title IV-E adoption assistance payments and SSI benefits may make application for both programs and the child, if eligible, may receive benefits from both programs. In considering the most appropriate choice of programs and deciding whether to make application for one or both, the adoptive parents should be aware of the differences between SSI and the Adoption Assistance Program.

Title XVI (SSI) is a needs based program and, as such, requires a test of income and resources of the adoptive parents in determining the amount of the SSI benefit to which a disabled child may be entitled. If (or when) the parental resources and income exceed a maximum level determined by SSI, the child is no longer eligible for SSI payments.

In cases where the income and resources of the adoptive parents do not affect the child's eligibility for SSI and there is concurrent receipt of payments from both programs, SSI will then count dollar-for-dollar the amount of title IV-E adoption assistance paid to the parents, thus decreasing the SSI benefit by the amount of the adoption assistance payment.

In the Adoption Assistance Program, the amount of the adoption assistance payment is determined after taking into consideration the circumstances of the adopting parents and the needs of the child being adopted. While the child's SSI benefit would be a consideration in the negotiation of the amount of the adoption assistance payment as part of the determination of the needs of the child being adopted, this income would not generate an automatic reduction in any standardized payment amount, as in the SSI program.

The amount agreed upon by the adoptive parents and the administering agency is limited, however, to the amount of the foster care maintenance payment which would have been paid if the child had been in a foster family home (section 473 (a)(3)).

Because there are many complexities and financial implications for the States as well as the adoptive families, it is important for all parties to discuss all aspects of a combination of SSI and adoption assistance at the time the adoption assistance agreement is negotiated. Such discussions could include, in addition to the adoptive parents, representatives from title IV-E and title XVI programs.

With full knowledge of the SSI and Adoption Assistance programs, the adoptive parents can then make an informed decision about application for or receipt of benefits from either or both programs for which they or the child are eligible. They should be advised, however, that if they decline title IV-E adoption assistance and choose to receive only SSI for the child, and if they do not execute an adoption assistance agreement before the adoption is finalized and do not receive adoption assistance payments pursuant to such an agreement, they may not later receive title IV-E adoption assistance payments, as the child would no longer meet all of the eligibility requirements as a child with special needs (section 473 (c)(2)).

  • Source/Date: ACYF-CB-PA-94-02 (2/4/94)
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - sections 402 (a)(24), 406 (a) and 407 (as in effect on July 16, 1996) and 472 (a) and 473 (a); Program Operations Manual System, Part 5, Supplemental Security Income Chapter 008 - Income, Subchapter 30 - Unearned Income

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2. Question: How should the decision to apply for SSI or title IV-E benefits be made?

Answer: The difference between title XVI (SSI) and title IV-E should be considered carefully by the decision maker when choosing whether to apply for either or both title IV-E or SSI benefits on behalf of the child. Information regarding the benefits available under each program should be made available by the State title IV-E agency so that an informed choice can be made in the child's best interest. To achieve this goal, title IV-E agencies should exchange information regarding eligibility requirements and benefits with local Social Security district offices and establish formal procedures to refer clients and their representatives to the local Social Security district office for consultation and/or application when appropriate.

  • Source/Date: ACYF-CB-PA-94-02 (2/4/94)
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - titles IV-E and XVI

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3. Question: May we claim title IV-E administrative costs for eligible children who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

Answer: Yes. An August 17, 1993 memorandum from the Acting Commissioner of the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families to the Administration for Children and Families Regional Administrators allowed a State to include children who are eligible for title IV-E but who are receiving SSI in lieu of title IV-E foster care maintenance payments when determining its administrative cost ratio. This practice was conceptualized by considering these children candidates for foster care. While the policy itself is sound, a child who is in foster care is not a candidate because s/he has already been removed from home. If a child is fully eligible for title IV-E a State's choice to fund that child's board and care through SSI rather than title IV-E does not negate that child's eligibility for title IV-E. The State may, therefore, claim Federal financial participation under title IV-E for title IV-E administrative functions performed on behalf of that child.

  • Source/Date: ACYF-CB-PA-01-02 (7/3/01)
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - sections 471 and 474

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4. Question: Are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits under Title XVI made to a child in foster care, including those funds conserved for the child in dedicated accounts, counted as a resource when determining eligibility for title IV-E?

Answer: No. The child must have been eligible for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) as it was in effect on July 16, 1996 (section 472(a) of the Social Security Act) to receive title IV-E foster care maintenance payments. The AFDC regulations at 45 CFR 233.20(a)(1)(ii) and 45 CFR 233.20(3)(x) exclude the needs, income and resources of individuals receiving benefits under title XVI in determining the need and amount of payment of an AFDC assistance unit. Thus, these exclusions apply to SSI-eligible children who are under the care and responsibility of the State agency and otherwise eligible for title IV-E.

  • Source/Date: 11/14/07
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - titles IV-E and XVI; 45 CFR 233.20(a)(3)(x)

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