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Don't Be Fooled!


Computer UserWe're sorry to report yet another wave of virus-laden e-mails sent out with false FBI addresses. This particular e-mail claims the FBI has been monitoring your Internet use...says you've accessed so-called illegal websites...and demands you answer questions—all you have to do is open an attachment, maliciously laced with a variant of the w32/sober virus.

Don't do it! In fact, don't EVER respond to unsolicited poison pills like these. The FBI does not conduct business this way.

Who are the e-mails from? To date, they're being sent out with email addresses of mail@fbi.gov, post@fbi.gov and admin@fbi.gov.

What does the message say? Something like:

Dear Sir/Madam,

We have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.

Important: Please answer our questions! The list of questions are attached.

Yours faithfully,
Steven Allison
Federal Bureau of Investigation-FBI-

The spread of computer viruses affects everyone who uses a computer. We take these incidents very seriously and work hard to investigate them.

Be cyber crime smart: Visit our New E-Scams & Warnings page to learn about a variety of scams. Find tips for avoiding Internet Fraud. Go to the LooksTooGoodToBeTrue.com website. And be warned about the specific dangers of the w32/sober virus and its variants at www.cert.org.

You just can't be too careful on the web.

Resources: National Press Release

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