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Our New Weblink Makes It Easy


Report Corruption graphic

Have you stumbled across evidence of dishonesty in government and don’t know what to do about it?

Then please go straightaway to reportcorruption.fbi.gov, a new easy-to-remember web address announced on Thursday by Director Mueller in a speech in San Diego.

There you will find details on how to share tips with us—either by phone or through the Internet. Our analysts will take it from there, reviewing your information and making sure it is acted on as quickly as possible.

Why this call for tips? Two reasons:

First, public corruption is the FBI’s highest criminal priority—because of its potential impact on our national security (think of a bribe that lets a terrorist slip across our border or lets drugs flow into our cities), on our pocketbooks (an estimated 10 percent of government funds is lost to corruption and fraud every year), and on our way of life (everything from our trust in government to whether or not a local school gets built).

Second, many of our cases start with a tip from someone who encounters corruption. We’re grateful for every lead we get...and want you to know where to turn and how to provide information. For example, when we created a telephone hotline for corruption tips related to the rebuilding of areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina, some 2,500 calls poured in, helping us launch more than 400 cases.

Want more details on how we’re addressing public corruption? Then please read the Director’s full speech. For example, you’ll learn:

  • Where we’re investigating corruption activities around the nation;
  • How many government employees have been convicted in the past two years;
  • How some cases have driven positive reform in government;
  • How we’re helping other nations address similar issues with corruption; and
  • Why fighting corruption, as the Director points out, “is a mission for which the FBI is singularly situated.”

On our website, you can also find updated information on cases, FBI initiatives, and stories, including the article Cracking Down on Public Corruption: Why We Take It So Seriously...and Why It Matters to You.

Resources: National Press Release | Director’s Speech

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