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"In Your Community"


FBI Agent and ChildDo you know how to find online information about your local FBI office? How about that office's breaking news on investigations...its community programs for adults and kids alike...and its services for victims of crimes?

All that information and more is all at your fingertips on this website. We encourage you to explore, get to know, and bookmark for future reference.

Here's a rundown:

1. Just which IS your local FBI office anyway?

Find out, alphabetically, by state, city, or "closest town" jurisdiction.

2. Can you find the latest news issued by your local FBI office?

It's easy: go straight to our local press release page and find the link.

3. How about finding the FBI community program closest to you?

On our all-new "In Your Community" page, you can search directly for your local FBI office's community program...or, if your local office hasn't established an online community page, you can find out how to contact its designated community outreach specialist by going to its website.

4. What kind of community services are available?

Lots of kinds. For example: citizens' academies...and community partnerships...and adopt-a-school programs both for Junior Special Agents and Junior Scientists. We also have a program that publicly recognizes the good work of leaders in your community, a program directly sponsored by Director Mueller.

5. What critical information can you learn that is important to the safety of your community?

You can find out dangers in your neighborhood through the sex offender registry. On our all-new "In Your Community" page, you can read up on Parents Against Gangs, school shooters, and workplace violence; you can learn how to become crime smart; and you can access important family support telephone numbers.

6. As a victim of crime, how can you find information about or referrals for compensation programs, rape crisis centers, homicide bereavement support groups, mental health counseling, or special services for children?

From the Victim Specialist at your local FBI office, reachable through that field office, which can be located by state, city, or "closest town" jurisdiction.

The FBI is here to serve you, not just from Washington, DC, and from its 50+ overseas offices, but from your own home town. We encourage you to take advantage of our services.

Headline Archives

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