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8.2B.9  TITLE IV-E, Adoption Assistance Program, Eligibility, Redeterminations

1. What are the requirements for redeterminations of title IV-E adoption assistance eligibility?

2. Some States are requiring adoptive parents to complete annual renewals of their adoption assistance agreements. Does title IV-E require the State or local agency to perform annual renewals or eligibility determinations for adoption assistance?

1. Question: What are the requirements for redeterminations of title IV-E adoption assistance eligibility?

Answer: The title IV-E adoption assistance program does not require redeterminations of a child's eligibility. Although the title XIX Medicaid program and the programs that, in part, may qualify a child initially for adoption assistance, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Supplemental Security Income, require redeterminations, they are unnecessary for the purpose of maintaining a child's eligibility for title IV-E adoption assistance. Once a child has been determined eligible and is receiving adoption assistance, a State may terminate the assistance only under the circumstances specified at section 473(a)(4) of the Social Security Act.

  • Source/Date: ACYF-CB-PA-01-01 (1/23/01)
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - section 473

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2. Question: Some States are requiring adoptive parents to complete annual renewals of their adoption assistance agreements. Does title IV-E require the State or local agency to perform annual renewals or eligibility determinations for adoption assistance?

Answer: No. There is no Federal statute or provision requiring annual renewals, recertifications or eligibility re-determinations for title IV-E adoption assistance. Parents who receive adoption assistance payments, however, have a responsibility to keep the State or local agency informed of circumstances which would make them ineligible for title IV-E adoption assistance payments, or eligible for assistance payments in a different amount (Section 473 (a)(4)(B) of the Social Security Act). Once a child is determined eligible to receive title IV-E adoption assistance, he or she remains eligible and the subsidy continues until: (1) the age of 18 (or 21 if the State determines that the child has a mental or physical disability which warrants the continuation of assistance); (2) the State determines that the parent is no longer legally responsible for the support of the child, or; (3) the State determines the child is no longer receiving any support from the parents.

  • Source/Date: ACYF-CB-PIQ-98-02 (9/03/98)
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - section 473(a)(4)(B)

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