Child Welfare Policy Manual: Table of Contents

January 18, 2009


1.1   Compliance and Penalties

1.2   Data Elements and Definitions
1.2A   Adoption Specific Elements
1.2A.1   Adoptive parents
1.2A.2   Birth parents
1.2A.3   Child's demographics
1.2A.4   Court actions
1.2A.5   Financial information
1.2A.6   Placement
1.2B   Foster Care Specific Elements
1.2B.1   Case plan goal
1.2B.2   Child's demographics
1.2B.3   Episode and removal circumstances
1.2B.4   Financial elements
1.2B.5   Foster family home
1.2B.6   Outcome information
1.2B.7   Placements
1.2B.8   Principal caretaker
1.2B.9   Termination of parental rights

1.3   Reporting Population

1.4   Technical Requirements

2.   CAPTA

2.1   Assurances and Requirements
2.1A   Access to Child Abuse and Neglect Information
2.1A.1   Confidentiality
2.1A.2   Expungment
2.1A.3   Open Courts
2.1A.4   Public Disclosure
2.1B   Appeals
2.1C   Expedited Termination of Parental Rights
2.1D   Guardian Ad Litems
2.1E   Reunification
2.1F   CAPTA, Assurances and Requirements, Infants Affected by Illegal Substance Abuse
2.1F.1   CAPTA, Assurances and Requirements, Infants Affected by Illegal Substance Abuse, Plan of Safe Care
2.1G   CAPTA, Assurances and Requirements, Triage
2.1H   CAPTA, Assurances and Requirements, Notification of Allegations
2.1I   CAPTA, Assurances and Requirements, Referrals to IDEA, Part C
2.1J   CAPTA, Assurances and Requirements, Criminal Background Checks

2.2   Citizen Review Panels

2.3   Definitions


3.1   Certifications and Requirements
3.1A   Adolescent Participation
3.1B   Age
3.1C   Coordination
3.1D   Fraud and Abuse
3.1E   Miscellaneous Requirements
3.1F   Objective Eligibility Criteria
3.1G   Room and Board
3.1H   Training
3.1I   Tribal

3.2   Data Collection
3.2A   Data Elements
3.2B   Outcome Measures
3.2C   Penalties for Noncompliance
3.2D   Systems Requirements

3.3   Fiscal
3.3A   Administrative Costs
3.3B   Allocations
3.3C   Match
3.3D   Non-supplantation
3.3E   Use of Funds

3.4   Related Foster Care Requirements

3.5   Independent Living, Educational and Training Vouchers
3.5A   Youth Eligibility
3.5B   Coordination and Duplication
3.5C   Eligible Expenses and Institutions
3.5D   Administrative Costs
3.5E   Match
3.5F   Use of Funds


4.1   Diligent Recruitment

4.2   Enforcement of Section 471 (a)(18) of the SSA

4.3   Guidance for Compliance


5.1   Child and Family and Services Review (CFSR)

5.2   Title IV-E Eligibility Reviews



7.1   Citizenship/Alienage Requirements

7.2   Confidentiality

7.3   Programmatic Requirements

7.4   Use of Funds


8.1   Administrative Functions/Costs
8.1A   Allowable Costs - Adoption Assistance Program
8.1B   Allowable Costs - Foster Care Maintenance Payments Program
8.1C   Calculating Claims
8.1D   Candidates
8.1E   Contracting
8.1F   Match Requirements
8.1G   Title IV-E Agreements
8.1H   Training

8.2   Adoption Assistance Program
8.2A   Agreements
8.2A.1   Interstate placements
8.2A.2   Means test
8.2B   Eligibility
8.2B.1   Biological parents
8.2B.2   Children in foster care
8.2B.3   Child of a minor parent
8.2B.4   Deceased adoptive parents/dissolved adoptions
8.2B.5   Independent Adoptions
8.2B.6   International Adoptions
8.2B.7   Judicial determinations
8.2B.8   Medicaid
8.2B.9   Redeterminations
8.2B.10   Responsibility for placement and care
8.2B.11   Special needs
8.2B.12   SSI
8.2B.13   Voluntary relinquishments
8.2C   Interstate Compact
8.2D   Payments
8.2D.1   Allowable costs
8.2D.2   Duration
8.2D.3   Non-recurring expenses
8.2D.4   Rates
8.2D.5   Termination
8.2E   Promoting Adoption Assistance

8.3   Foster Care Maintenance Payments Program
8.3A   Eligibility
8.3A.1   Adjudicated delinquents
8.3A.2   Age
8.3A.3   Biological parents
8.3A.4   Child in facility outside scope of foster care
8.3A.5   Child of a minor parent
8.3A.6   Contrary to the welfare
8.3A.7   Documentation of judicial determinations
8.3A.8   Facilities requirements
8.3A.8a   child-care institution
8.3A.8b   foster family home
8.3A.8c   licensing
8.3A.9   Reasonable efforts
8.3A.9a   to finalize a permanency plan
8.3A.9b   to prevent a removal
8.3A.9c   to qualify language in court orders
8.3A.10   Redeterminations
8.3A.11   Removal from the home/living with
8.3A.12   Responsibility for placement and care
8.3A.13   Voluntary placement agreements
8.3A.14   Voluntary relinquishments
8.3A.15   When payments may begin
8.3B   Payments
8.3B.1   Allowable costs
8.3B.2   Rates
8.3C   State Plan/Procedural Requirements
8.3C.1   Case plans
8.3C.2   Case review system
8.3C.2a   date a child is considered to have entered foster care
8.3C.2b   notice and opportunity to be heard
8.3C.2c   permanency hearings
8.3C.2d   six month periodic reviews
8.3C.2e   termination on parental rights
8.3C.3   Foster care goals
8.3C.4   Reasonable efforts
8.3C.5   Trial home visit

8.4   General Title IV-E Requirements
8.4A   AFDC Eligibility
8.4B   Aliens/Immigrants
8.4C   Child support
8.4D   Concurrent Receipt of Federal Benefits
8.4E   Confidentiality
8.4F   Criminal Record and Registry Checks
8.4G   Fair Hearings
8.4H   Safety Requirements
8.4I   Social Security Numbers


9.1   Application of Title IV-B and Title IV-E Procedural Requirements

9.2   Application of Title IV-E Eligibility Requirements

9.3   Responsibilities of the Bureau of Indian Affairs

9.4   Title IV-E Agreements