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Kansas City Woman Added to List


Shauntay L. Henderson Wanted Poster

Be on the lookout for Shauntay Henderson, an alleged Kansas City gang member wanted for the execution-style killing of a Missouri man last September. The 24-year-old is the latest addition to our Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, bringing the reward for information leading to her arrest up to $100,000.

Henderson, who also goes by the names Rasheda Washington and Rasheda Smith, is about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 130 to 140 pounds. She may alter her appearance by shaving her head or dressing as a man. She is believed to be a member of the violent 12th Street Gang, which is linked to the 51st Street gang. The gang names are geographic references to the Kansas City areas where they allegedly ply their criminal and drug trades.

Henderson may support herself by selling narcotics and is known to use high-powered weapons. In the case that led to her addition to our Top Ten list, a woman matching Henderson’s description approached a parked car on Red Bridge Road in Kansas City on September 2, 2006. Reportedly, the woman walked in front of the vehicle, peered in, then walked to the driver’s side, where she pulled out a semiautomatic pistol and allegedly shot the driver three times in the chest.

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Henderson is the second fugitive in less than a month to be added to our Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. Emigdio Preciado Jr., a Los Angeles gang member suspected of shooting a police officer in 2000, was on March 14.

The Top Ten list is the most well-known of the FBI’s fugitive lists, but it’s not the only one. Each of our 56 field offices maintains a list of local fugitives and missing persons. We also have categories of wanted lists, such as:

Since the Top Ten list’s inception 57 years ago, all but 30 of the 486 subjects have been apprehended or located. Fugitives added to the list are determined by the Criminal Investigative Division at FBI Headquarters from a slate of candidates submitted by the FBI’s 56 field offices, and are ultimately approved by the deputy director.

- FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives
- Wanted By the FBI
- Kansas City FBI Press Release

Note: The individuals pictured or identified here may have been apprehended or may no longer be wanted by law enforcement since the above information was posted on this website. Please check our Wanted by the FBI website or contact your local FBI office for up-to-date information.

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