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Hijinks in the World Of Art


This is a collage of artwork

It took big money, patience, and a wide streak of criminality to pull off.

Here's one example of the scheme:

1990: Buy the authentic Marc Chagall La Nappe Mauve for $312,000.
1993: Have it copied by an expert forger and sell the forgery for $514,000.
1998: Sell the authentic work of art for $340,000.
GAIN OVER 8 YEARS: $854,000.

Here's another:

1996: Buy the authentic Gustave Moreau L'Enlevement de Ganymede for $285,000.
1997: Have it copied by an expert forger and sell the forgery for a $55,000 loss– price tag $229,000.
1999: Sell the authentic work of art for a bigger loss–$170,000.
GAIN OVER 3 YEARS: $399,000

And these are just two examples in a much wider scam charged in the criminal complaint. Other paintings include Chagall's Les Marie au Bouquet de Fleurs and Le Roi David Dans le Paysage Vert; Marie Laurencin's Jeune Fille a la Mandolin; Paul Gaugin's Vase de Fleurs (Lilas); and Paul Klee's Palaste, all pictured.

These are the allegations against a well known New York art dealer, arrested yesterday and charged with 2 counts of wire fraud and 5 counts of mail fraud.

The case continues...and we need your help. Please view the following paintings at the FBI Art Theft Page Spotlight and call the FBI's Brooklyn-Queens Office at 718-286-7100 if you have any information about their whereabouts or ownerships:

Graphic link to  "Palaste (Palace)" by Paul Klee Graphic link to "Jeune Fille a la Guitare" by Marie Laurencin Graphic link to  "Les Maries au Bouquet de Fleurs" by Marc Chagall Graphic link to "L 'Enlevement de Ganymede" by  Gustave Moreau Graphic link to "Jeune Femme S'Essuyant" by Auguste Renoir Graphic link to  "Vase de Fleurs (Lilas)" by Paul Gauguin Graphic link to  "La Nappe Mauve" by Marc Chagall Graphic link to "Le Roi David dans le Paysage Vert" by Marc Chagall

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