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Here's What It's Like: Up Close and Personal


Graphic of Analyst Randall A.Randall A. brings a lot to the table. He has served as an FBI Intelligence Analyst for 17 "totally fascinating" years. From 1987 on, he worked in the area of Organized Crime, specializing in the Italian and American mafia. Then, galvanized by the 9/11 attacks, he transferred to Counterterrorism, bringing his skills and many years of experience to bear on international terrorist groups.

Q: Randall, what's a typical working day like for you?

A: Interesting. Never boring. Fast paced. I pretty much hit the ground running every morning, poring over terrorist-related information from intelligence sources in the U.S. and around the world. I assess and analyze intelligence in these documents--like gathering pieces of puzzle and putting the puzzle together. Then, as appropriate, I write threat assessments for FBI executives and members of the national security and law enforcement communities. An overriding focus of my work is to develop a topical expertise in my assigned extremist groups so I can determine how they may adversely affect the U.S. I will say this: at the end of any given day, you feel like your work has made a difference.

Q: Have you ever traveled overseas or in the U.S. on a case?

A. Yes. Over the years I've traveled to England, Canada, Australia, France, and Switzerland to assist in ongoing investigations. Five years ago I gave a lecture to analysts in London on Internet gambling--and was interviewed by Skyone TV News, BBC radio, and the Daily Mail newspaper. That was quite a charge.

Q: After 17 years as an analyst, what are your best memories?

A: I will never forget working with the Italian National Police on the 1992 assassinations of anti-mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino by the Sicilian Mafia. More recently, working on the Oklahoma City Bombing case and, of course, on Penttbom, the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Plus, it's a thrill to brief the Attorney General in person on an ongoing case--and also to brief Congressional committees on crime problems that might be addressed by legislation.

Q: Any advice to prospective FBI recruits?

A: I'd say to read up, study, and seek out expert advice in the field you wish to pursue at the FBI. Becoming an expert is a never-ending process.

Link: Interested in applying? Go straight to www.fbijobs.gov

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