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Here's What It's Like: Up Close and Personal


Up Close and Personal graphic with Kevin GutfleishKevin Gutfleish is the first to admit he has a crucially important job. For six years he has worked at FBIHQ as an Intelligence Analyst in the FBI's program to combat the exploitation of children over the Internet, our Innocent Images National Initiative (IINI).

Q: Kevin, can you tell me what you like best about the job?
That's easy. With regards to the IINI, I have the unique and important role of protecting kids. And if that isn't enough, I actually get paid to do it every day. Beyond this particular assignment, though, there's a universe of other critical assignments for Intelligence Analysts in the FBI. That kind of built-in job flexibility is exciting and is why I love my job so much. For example, at what company could you change from working crimes against children, to investigating terrorism, and then to investigating organized crime without having to leave your office building? For example, after the 9/11 attacks I was temporarily assigned to a team that investigated the international travel of the hijackers and their associates. I was so personally glad to be working on that case.

Q: How did you end up with a cutting edge assignment in cyber crime?
A little bit by the back door, I guess. I worked in our Crimes Against Children program, which investigates non-computer crimes against children, and one thing led to the next. Now I am the senior analyst at FBI Headquarters within these programs—and am proud to say that I've helped get 3 different child predators put on the FBI's Top 10 List.

Q: What's a typical working day like?
For me, there is no typical workday. As subject-matter expert on predators who target kids over the Internet, I routinely provide consultations and operational assistance to FBI Agents in the field who are working undercover cases. But there's more. One day I'll write an Intelligence Assessment (even for the President of the United States!); the next an important case will break that needs immediate attention; the next I'll be off to assess IINI field undercover ops. To date I've done 11 of these assessments, traveling to field offices to interview investigators, supervisors, and prosecutors; to review all case files, statistical accomplishments, evidentiary procedures, and liaison efforts; and to brief the Special Agent in Charge of the office on the results. Protecting kids is the greatest motivator in the world for all of us in the program.

Q: Any advice to prospective FBI recruits?
Oh yes. Only apply to be an Intelligence Analyst if you thrive on challenges and are not afraid to work hard every day. The opportunities are unlimited here, but you have to be willing to go the extra mile. Members of the FBI are held to a higher standard, and putting forth 110% is expected. Everything you do—even the most basic tasks—are significant. And that's the payoff: You get to experience first-hand how one person can significantly contribute to the safety of the US and our citizens. Basically, your work speaks for itself.

Links: Apply now | Cyber investigations | Innocent Images program

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