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Here's What It's Like: Up Close and Personal


Up Close and Personal Graphic with Ella GantElla Gant has had a marvelous career...and in a variety of FBI locations across the country during her 13 years in the "Bu." Always ready to help out on Specials, she's volunteered for temporary assignments as diverse as coordinating evidence regarding allegations of illegal presidential campaign finance in Washington, DC, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. Along the way, she fell in love, married a Special Agent, and in 1997 took on the challenge of becoming an intelligence analyst. She loves it—and she loves the fact that she has been able to join her husband in his changing assignments and still keep working in her field—so far, Washington, DC; Memphis; Dallas; and now New Orleans.

Q: Ella, what are some of your most exciting experiences?

A: It's hard to capture them all because I've been lucky enough to be involved in a number of high profile investigations and also part of specific efforts to prevent acts of terrorism. In terms of personal satisfaction, though, I think I would have to say my most satisfying experience has been working a domestic terrorism case that involved involuntary servitude and slavery—where women and girls were being transported from Central America to Texas and forced into prostitution. I was able to work the case from its inception, providing research and analysis that helped lead to the ring being dismantled. I even participated in the final takedown, assisting with evidence. Very, very satisfying.

Q: What's your job now in New Orleans?

A. It's fascinating. Basically, I'm the Reports Officer for our FIG (Field Intelligence Group)—and that means I research and write IIRs (Information Intelligence Reports) on specific topics and cases. I also prepare threat bulletins as needed. I love the variety—every day is different and involves a number of different and complex projects.

Q: What do you like best about the job?

A: That's easy: I like it that I can work on so many interesting cases—and make a substantive contribution. I know that my research, my analysis, my link/association charts, and my assessments help solve cases and, even better, help prevent crimes and acts of terror from happening in the first place.

Q: Any advice to prospective FBI recruits?

A: I would say that they should be prepared to love the work. Intelligence analysis is a great job—and a great job to have in the FBI. Its one of our many areas where you know your work really makes a difference.

Link: Interested in applying? Go straight to www.fbijobs.gov

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