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Graphical map of Malaysia

FBI Opens Office in Malaysia


"In the future, the FBI will have Legal Attaché offices in every country with a major impact on the United States."

That's Director Mueller's outspoken plan, and it is well on its way to becoming reality.


"No nation, or agency can fight crime and terrorism alone. Since 9/11 our 48 international offices have become increasingly important to our overall operations. What began strictly as a liaison, now assists our counterparts overseas on joint investigations, intelligence-sharing, and the development of new methods to prevent attacks."

Partnering with the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP).

In fact, we've been partnering with the RMP for years. Cases solved and critical information shared--but all at a distance, working from our Legal Attaché Office in Singapore.

In fact, it is thanks to the assistance of the Royal Malaysian Police that whole pieces of today's terrorism puzzle have been been properly placed, not only on the 9/11 hijackers and the Al Qaida network, but also on cases involving the Jemmah Islamia and the Abu Sayyaff Group. Plus, thanks to our mutual efforts, many many criminal cases in both our countries have been resolved and justice served.

Now, since May 18, we are on the ground in Malaysia's capital, Kuala Lumpur. Our Supervisory Special Agent/Legal Attaché Officer is located in the U.S. Embassy there and is a member of its diplomatic staff.

Day to day activities?

Many and diverse. Working with colleagues in the Royal Malaysian Police on specific cases, everything from terrorism to fugitives, cyber to kidnappings. Setting up training on subjects like forensic investigations. Forging new operational partnerships between our agencies--counterterrorism experts talking to counterterrorism experts; laboratory specialists talking to their counterparts. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

How do you contact the Legat in Kuala Lumpur? Call the U.S. Embassy at 011-60-3-248-9011 or call the office direct at 011-60-3-2168-4855.

And stay tuned for future Legal Attaché openings.

Links: FBI Legats | The Royal Malaysian Police

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