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Headline Archives

In the Stanford Financial Group Case

Stanford Financial Group building in Houston, Texas

Have you invested in the Stanford Financial Group or its affiliated companies in recent years? If so, you may be a victim of a multi-billion dollar investment fraud.

The Stanford Financial Group, which provides wealth management services to customers in some 140 countries, is under FBI investigation. On February 26, its Chief Investment Officer was charged with obstructing a separate investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Our case is ongoing, and while we can’t provide any additional information on our investigation at this time, we do need to hear from you to identify victims and to determine the extent of the potential fraud.

What we need to know:

  • Your basic contact information (name, address, country, telephone numbers, e-mail address);
  • Your investments/losses with Stanford Financial Group or its affiliated companies: Stanford Capital Management, the Stanford Group Company, the Stanford International Bank, the Stanford Trust Company, and the Bank of Antigua;
  • Whether or not you can verify your investments/losses by providing your most recent financial statements; and
  • Any additional information that may be helpful.

How to provide the above information: 

If you have investigative information that might help our case, please use our electronic public leads and tips form at https://tips.fbi.gov/

Please send copies of any hard copy documentation to:

      FBI Victim Assistance Program
      Post Office Box 924427
      Houston, TX 77292-4427

If we determine that you are a victim, we will be in touch with you. Please note: due to the number of expected responses, you may not hear back from us for several weeks.

Investors may also call (713) 693-5699 for recorded information on the victim assistance program. At this time we are unable to accept messages on this line because of expected call volume.

“The FBI understands the devastating financial, emotional, and physical impact that fraud can have in the lives of individuals and families,” says Kathryn Turman, Director of our Office for Victim Assistance. “We see it every day. Even in these large-scale cases, the victims and their losses are not just numbers to us. Even when we cannot restore lost funds we can usually provide help, hope, and support as we also work to bring justice to the perpetrators who are suspected of inflicting the damage.” 

Due to the large number of people affected by this case, we are establishing a special website just for victims to receive updated information about the case and victim assistance resources. We will provide you with information on how to access the website when it becomes operational.

In the meantime, we’re providing the following resources that may be of help to you:

More resources:
- Houston press release
- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Information for Investors

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