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Headline Archives

Protecting the U.S. Economy in a Global Age


Photograph of FBI Director Robert S. Mueller at the Detroit Economic ClubHow do you protect the U.S. economy in an age where threats to our financial well being come from the four corners of the globe?

That is the question FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III answered in a major address before the Detroit Economic Club.

Speaking with more than 300 business executives, civic leaders, and students from southeast Michigan, Director Mueller said the United States has entered "a new age of high impact crimes." The threats range from international terrorism to global criminal syndicates, from cyber attacks to corporate fraud.

The FBI, said Director Mueller, is the agency that can protect the economy from these threats. Why? Because it has partnerships that span the globe, the ability to fight traditional crimes and complex worldwide threats in tandem, and a set of law enforcement and intelligence tools that work hand-in-hand.

"We must fight crime even as we roll up terrorist cells, using the same investigative capabilities to root out corporate fraud as we use to catch financiers wiring funds to terrorists. We must work locally but think globally. And we must apply our unique strengths even as we share them and blend them with those of other agencies. This is the FBI of today, and this is the future of the FBI."

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