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Assistant Director Louis Quijas Discusses the Importance of Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Partnerships


Louis Quijas Assistant DirectorHow do you prevent terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in a post 9/11 world? With a shield .. made up of agents, police, and sheriffs standing shoulder-to-shoulder.

How do we create such a shield?
...By shaping national strategies and approaches in tandem;
...By working seamlessly at the ground level to investigate potential threats and suspicious activities in local communities; and
...By fully sharing terrorist-related information ... details on everything from wanted suspects to potential targets, from threats on communities to terrorists' methods and operations.

On Wednesday, Louis Quijas -- the FBI's Assistant Director for the Office of Law Enforcement Coordination -- sat down with the press to talk about specifics.

Among those specifics:

  • Standing up Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) -- made up of local, state, and federal experts -- in 56 FBI field offices to investigate terrorist-related matters together;
  • Creating Director Mueller's Law Enforcement Advisory Group, with members representing 11 national law enforcement organizations, to discuss ideas and develop strategies;
  • Setting up JTTF Executive Boards in each of the FBI's 56 field offices; these boards keep local and state law enforcement up-to-speed on counterterrorism matters in their respective districts;
  • Granting more than 4,000 secret and top secret security clearances to law enforcement executives and JTTF members so they have access to the classified information they need to protect their communities;
  • Initiating an Executive Fellows Program that brings police and sheriffs into FBI Headquarters for six months for operational work; and
  • In concert with the Department of Homeland Security, holding national conference calls with state and local officials on vital issues.

Through these and other efforts, AD Quijas says that the FBI has made "giant steps in getting information out of this building [FBI Headquarters] and into the hands of our state and local partners."

Better yet, terrorism is increasingly being addressed by a single, informed community of equal partners. Says Quijas: "Prior to 9/11, there was the FBI. There was county policing. There was municipal policing. After 9/11, it became 'policing.' We're all in this business together."

Related Link: Office of Law Enforcement Coordination


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