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First Domestic Fugitive Added to List

Two images of fugitive Daniel Andreas San Diego
Daniel San Diego is wanted for his alleged role in the bombings of two San Francisco biotech facilities in 2003. See Wanted Poster

An animal rights extremist wanted for allegedly bombing two San Francisco-area office buildings in 2003 has been added to our Most Wanted Terrorists list—the first domestic terrorist to be included with international terrorists such as Usama Bin Laden.

Daniel Andreas San Diego, 31, should be considered armed and dangerous. His domestic acts of terror were planned to destroy property, to cause economic hardship for the companies he targeted, and possibly to take lives—one of his bombs was laced with nails to create potentially deadly shrapnel. We are offering a reward of up to $250,000 for information directly leading to his arrest.

“We have added San Diego to the Most Wanted Terrorists list to increase public awareness about this domestic terrorist fugitive and to aid in his arrest,” said Michael J. Heimbach, Assistant Director of our Counterterrorism Division, at a press conference today at FBI Headquarters in Washington. “We will not relent until San Diego is apprehended and his potential for future acts of violence and destruction is eliminated.”


Animal rights and environmental extremism pose a significant domestic terror threat. To date, extremists have been responsible for more than 1,800 criminal acts and more than $110 million in damages. Currently, we are investigating approximately 170 such extremist incidents across the country. 

Michael Heimbach speaking at press conference, with video play button
Michael J. Heimbach, head of the Counterterrorism Division, announces San Diego's addition to the Most Wanted Terrorist list at FBI Headquarters.
-  Watch Video
- Text of Heimbach's Remarks
San Diego, known to be involved with a group called SHAC—Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty—is wanted for his alleged involvement in bombing two biotech facilities that did business with Huntingdon Life Sciences, a company that conducts animal experimentation for the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

The first bombing occurred on August 28, 2003, outside Chiron Life Science Center in Emeryville, California.  When authorities responded, a second bomb was discovered, but exploded before it could be disarmed, raising the possibility that the device was planted specifically to target first responders.

Less than a month later, another bomb exploded outside a company based in Pleasanton, California. That bomb was made with metal nails to create more powerful shrapnel and destruction.

podcast icon Podcast: Wanted by the FBI
A special agent describes the hunt for Daniel San Diego.
After each crime, claims of responsibility were posted on the Internet demanding that the businesses end their affiliation with Huntingdon Life Sciences. Future violence was threatened if these demands were not met.  Fortunately, no one died in the explosions, but property damage was extensive.

San Diego was initially identified as a suspect after being stopped by a local police officer for a minor traffic violation in Pleasanton about an hour before the Pleasanton bombing. A subsequent search of his home and vehicle revealed bomb-making materials similar to those used in both attacks, and he was later indicted for the crimes.

San Diego has the following tattoos on his body
Daniel San Diego has distinctive tattoos—one on his chest is round and shows burning hills and plains with the words “It only takes a spark.” See More Images

San Diego has been on the run since October 2003.
  He is six feet tall, weighs about 160 pounds, and has brown hair and brown eyes. He wears glasses, is known to carry a 9mm handgun, has traveled internationally, and may be living out of the country, possibly in Costa Rica. He is a vegan, and avoids consuming or wearing anything made with animal products. He also has distinctive tattoos—one on his chest is round and shows burning hills and plains with the words “It only takes a spark.”

We need your help. If you have information you believe may be helpful to the investigation, contact our San Francisco office or submit a tip on our Tips and Public Leads page.

- Press Release
- Most Wanted Terrorists | San Diego Wanted Poster

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