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Pacific Mountain Washington WIRED Logo - Talent Driving Prosperity

Five counties: Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Pacific

Target Industries: Energy Technology, Renewable Resources, Manufacturing, Construction, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S.T.E.M.) occupations

Region Information

Implementation Plan

Map of region

The regional partnership is seeking to transform the talent pool and regional economies through a variety of goals that:

  1. Create a flexible, technologically perceptive workforce
  2. Promote innovation and entrepreneurship
  3. Create an Enterprise Network to accelerate regional economic growth
  4. Harness the synergy of the Pacific Mountain Alliance for Innovation to leverage resources and promote regional identity.

Through PMAI, the region will align and share resources that result in a flexible, responsive and integrated education and training system driven by industry to anchor the region's economic competitive advantage. Additionally, the region will identify core skill sets and industry training models that will serve as a catalyst to transform science and math teaching methods and increase the pipeline of students entering S.T.E.M. occupations.

Created: July 27, 2007
Updated: January 12, 2009