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Blackberry Deployment


In 2007, the FBI’s Information and Technology Branch (ITB) spearheaded the effort to consolidate and modernize mobile communications devices throughout the Bureau. An enterprise-wide, centrally-managed contract was established for the Verizon Wireless BlackBerry™ Smartphone devices, making this the largest one-time BlackBerry deployment ever undertaken by any government agency. A separate smaller contract was established for AT&T BlackBerry™ Smartphone devices to ensure coverage in non-Verizon Wireless locales. Field office pager and mobile telephone budgets were consolidated and centralized at FBI Headquarters to help fund the program.

The BlackBerry operates within a secure, Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) environment protected from compromise. It provides technologically advanced mobile communications capabilities with access to multiple mission-critical data sources to special agents and professional support staff throughout the FBI. It also enables FBI personnel to share information directly with informants, squad members, Headquarters, and task force members from other federal, state, local, and tribal partners.

Authorized BlackBerry users can access their unclassified e-mail, the National Crime Information Center, ChoicePoint, LexisNexis, the Internet, and other SBU applications. Not only have these devices revolutionized the FBI’s mobility in the field and unchained critical field-operational individuals from their desks, offices, and workstations, they have allowed the FBI, by leveraging economy of scale and centralized management, to realize significant cost savings. Additionally, the ITB has established a new licensing model with Research in Motion that allows the FBI to increase the number of devices with a quarterly accounting for license reconciliation.

By the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2008, the ITB completed an enterprise-wide deployment of more than 21,559 devices.

Status of Project:

Since the beginning of FY 2009, more than 3,200 devices have been deployed to FBI Headquarters and field offices, bringing the total number to approximately 24,845 BlackBerry devices. Additional BlackBerry devices are scheduled to be deployed to various FBI operational units and teams throughout FY 2009.

From the initial deployment of BlackBerry Smartphones to the enterprise, the ITB has explored new applications and uses for the BlackBerry to improve connectivity and communication between FBI personnel, Headquarters, and partners in the law enforcement and intelligence communities. One initiative currently under way is the upgrade of the BlackBerry’s current operating system which will allow for the direct viewing and editing of Microsoft Office document attachments directly on the BlackBerry. Currently, users cannot view attachments, but with the new, upgraded operating system, downloading, viewing and even editing of MS products such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will be possible.

Another initiative that the ITB is exploring is the use of an enterprise chat function. This function, similar to Instant Messaging, is currently undergoing testing with targeted user groups. The BlackBerry Enterprise Chat function, if successful, will allow users to quickly send a text message to a group of people versus a single person, greatly increasing the ability to share information on a timely basis.

Additionally, a newly created BlackBerry SharePoint site will provide general information and allow users to post and receive messages about current functionality of the device.

The use of the BlackBerry devices continues to support the development and implementation of incredible technology advancements within the FBI.

Last updated: April 8, 2009