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Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) skip to primary page content

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Meeting the Needs of Married, Low-income Stepfamily Couples in Marriage Education Services:
Final Report

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Title Page


Executive Summary

Chapter 1: A Statistical Portrait of Stepfamilies in the U.S.

The "New" Stepfamily
Divorce and Remarriage
Trends in Stepfamily Prevalence
The Prevalence of Stepfamilies

Chapter 2: A Conceptual Framework for Marriage Education for Low-Income Stepfamilies

Overview of the Conceptual Framework
Core Recommended Topics in Marriage Education Programs for Couples in Stepfamilies
Conditions Affecting Stepfamilies
Program Service Delivery

Chapter 3: Study of Programs Serving Stepfamilies

Program Study Approach
Service Delivery of Marriage Education Programs for Stepfamilies
Topics in Marriage Education Programs for Stepfamilies
Programs Providing Education on Stepfamilies to Professionals Working with Families
Organizations Serving Low-Income Families

Chapter 4: General Themes and Recommendations

Observations on Stepfamilies
Suggestions for Marriage Education Programs for Stepfamilies
Increasing Awareness of Stepfamilies
Recommendations for Future Research and Evaluation


Appendix A: New Analyses of Stepfamily Prevalence Using the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH)

Appendix B: Advisory Panel Members



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