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start talking » Will I be banned to mommy hell if I don't invite the siblings to DC's 4th birthday party? We are doing it at one of those pricey gyms and the budget is already stretched. Would it be ok to say - no siblings over age (1 or 2)?
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an observation: i think one big reason people desperately want a g&t is because they ...

05.11.09, 05:37 PM |

New here- Please don't flame...just need help....Anyone willing to walk me through th...

05.11.09, 05:34 PM |

Toddler parent here. A first grade parent at a good school told me "all the kids" ha...

05.11.09, 05:33 PM |

How did you find your housekeeper and/or nanny and/or sitter if you have either?

05.11.09, 05:15 PM |

i'm getting excited about the summer. i will be a sahm. sending dcs to day camp in ju...

05.11.09, 05:10 PM |

POLL: please answer yes or no - Do you think the DOE factors in zip code (or anything...

05.11.09, 05:09 PM |

Have anybody been to private ongoing spring tour? Can you share any thoughts?

05.11.09, 05:06 PM |

How old was db when he/she rolled over?

05.11.09, 05:04 PM |

help don't know how to tell my mom im having third child others are will be 5 and 4 i...

05.11.09, 04:54 PM |

What to do? i split with ex-dh during pg. Dc now 2. Have not dated or had sex since o...

05.11.09, 04:49 PM |

question: I have 2 dd 1 in 04 other 05 and i'm pregnant with third (six weeks) I'm so...

05.11.09, 04:39 PM |

Your opinion? I'm divorced, have 3 kids (15, 13 and 9) and I share custody with ex-DH...

05.11.09, 04:32 PM |

Dang. Just found out that Oasis downtown camp will held at Our Lady Of Sorrow school....

05.11.09, 04:22 PM |



Baby Moon

bennymoon.jpgHe now insists on dressing himself, which could result in any number of looks: superhero cape with pajama bottoms, swimsuit and snorkel, baseball cap and Dad’s best tie. Make sure his special DIY style is at least coordinated. Benny & ...

05.11.09, 12:43 PM

A Little Layette
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In the Beginning

logo-jpeg.jpgIs ice cream for dinner every night bad for the baby? Should you eat entirely organic? Must you really gain that much weight with twins? More importantly, who can answer all these pressing pregnancy questions? Make a date with registered ...

05.11.09, 12:10 PM

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Mondays Are Such Dreary Days

nature_walk.jpgThe weekends are nonstop family time, but Mondays tend to be a bit of a drag. Daddy and/or Mommy goes back to work, the weekday grind starts up, the party stops. Walnut Creek’s Lindsay Wildlife Museum’s Monday Meanderings program is ...

05.11.09, 01:00 PM

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