Daily Shopping Picks

Bamboo Area Rug

A heavy wool rug is perfect for keeping floors warm in the winter, but with temperatures rising, it's time for a change. We love these bamboo area rugs, not only because they look good, but because they're durable and have a non-skid backing. We know from experience that they don't slide around, even on hardwood or kitchen floors. They come in several shapes and sizes, and in lovely neutral shades or bold stripes and... more

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Giro Ionos Bike Helmet

No matter how great your bike is, it won't keep you from getting hurt when that idiot opens the car door just as you're speeding past its rear bumper. Cover your noggin with a top of the line Giro Ionos Bike Helmet. You may not be able to pronounce it, but you'll still reap all the benefits when you wear it. It helps keep your head safe and the vivid colors are another signal... more

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Teva Water Shoes

Teva Water shoes are perfect for wearing anywhere getting your toes wet is a consideration. They can go by the pool or in the surf, or be worn in comfort on a day hike that could include some puddles. The benefits are many: they dry fast, help you keep your footing on slick surfaces, and there's a pair for everyone in the family.

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Take Me to the River

Whether you're heading out to fish, or just paddling on the river, you'll find a canoe that's right for your water adventures at L.L.Bean. We like the Camper Canoe Package, which includes a sturdy canoe that can hold up to 900 lbs., along with paddles and two removable seats that the L.L.Bean "paddling staff" says are the most comfortable they've ever used. It's the perfect setup for stowing food, drink, and other essentials... more

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Star Trek Action Figures

You may not be able to find Star Trek action figures for the young crew of the new movie, but you can get them for the originals. Get Kirk in his captain's chair, or with his first officer, Spock, in the bonus two-pack. All of your favorite's are here: Uhuru, Sulu, Bones, Scotty, and more. The costumes vary, and some even come with a Klingon warrior, or other Federation nemesis.

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