Scanning, Digitization and Electronic Archive Services

Archive Clearinghouse and Support
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) partnered with NTIS to study alternatives for a homeland security scientific and technical information (STI) clearinghouse. This partnership will enable DHS to benefit from the experience of NTIS and 12 other Federal agencies that comprise CENDI, an interagency working group of senior scientific and technical information managers. 

The NTIS will assist DHS by conducting research and preparing a study of clearinghouse alternatives to include:

  • Identifying CENDI best practices and lessons learned
  • Evaluating strengths and weaknesses of the current DHS system for managing homeland security STI
  • Recommending a solution for improving access to this STI

NTIS supports all Federal Agencies with quality:

  • Scanning
  • Imaging
  • Reproduction
  • Digitizing
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Data Storage
  • Online order processing - shopping cart
  • Web services

NTIS' high-speed Automated Document Storage and Retrieval (ADSTAR) system offers both quality and flexibility in document reproduction. Let NTIS help you reinvent your agency's information dissemination process with our ADSTAR system. It can:

  • Scan paper, microfiche, and tape-based documents into optical storage.
  • Duplicate entire documents on demand.
  • Offer Internet users online access to the document.
  • Produce documents in paper, microfiche, and electronic formats, including OCR.
  • Save time and money!

Microfiche and Microfilm Services
NTIS can convert your agency's microfiche or microfilm to electronic images, tape or paper to meet your needs. NTIS can also take electronic images, tape or paper and convert them to microfiche for archiving.

Electronic and Multimedia Services
Let NTIS handle you total multimedia project: planning, product development, design, specifications, duplication, distribution and marketing.

  • Duplication in any format, including alternative formats such as Braille, captioning, and large print.
  • Complete production from script to screen
  • Translations
  • Custom packaging, printing and distribution

Federal Database Program
NTIS manages a wide range of bibliographic and other types of databases developed by other agencies. NTIS enters into agreements with interested parties to make these databases available, generally on a continuing or subscription basis.

  • Online, batch records, CD/DVD
  • Hard drive, and related electronic media
  • Full database archival access
  • Regulation compliance
  • Reproduction services
  • Database tape/cartridge redistribution

To inquire about the federal database lease program, call the Office of Product Management at (703) 605-6515.

E-Mail Broadcast and Fax Management Services
Communicate more effectively and enhance your agency's outreach efforts by using NTIS e-mail and fax management services. NTIS can send real-time, specialized alerts and messages to selected groups.

  • Save on operation and equipment maintenance overhead
  • Save staff hours, printing and mailing costs
  • Reach both domestic and international constituents with ease
  • Customized fax-on-demand voice prompts, cover sheets
  • Management reports can be documented

Billing and Collection Services
NTIS has the experience, the systems and the staff to meet your needs for quality billing and collection services at a competitive price. For over 15 years, we've been providing billing and collection services to other agencies with full-service, computerized, commercial and government billing and collection programs.   Our systems meet OMB, GAO and Treasury standards and have earned high marks from independent auditors for the last several years.


For more information contact the Office of Federal Services at NTIS:

Phone:       703-605-6800
Address:   5285 Port Royal Rd.
                  Springfield VA 22161