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Office of In Vitro Diagnostic Device Evaluation and Safety - from 11/17/02 to 11/17/03

Dr. Steve Gutman


OIVD - 11/17/02

  • Organization in place
  • Educational programs in place
  • Transfer of compliance
  • Transfer of surveillance
  • Learning by experience
  • Charrette to ensure focus

Office Management

  • Steve Gutman, M.D, Director
  • Don St. Pierre, Deputy Director
  • James Woods, Deputy Director
  • Joseph Hackett, Ph.D., Associate Director
  • Sousan Altaie, Ph.D., Scientific Policy Advisor

Chemistry Devices

  • Jean Cooper, DVM, Director
  • Carol Benson, Team Leader, Chemistry
  • Alberto Gutierrez, Ph.D., Team Leader, Toxicology


  • Tim O’Leary, Ph.D., M.D., Director
  • Josie Bautista, Team Leader, Hematology
  • Maria Chan, Ph.D., Team Leader, Immunology


  • Sally Hojvat, Ph.D., Director
  • Freddie Poole, Deputy Director

SACGT Recommendations

  • Challenging
  • Broad menu for HHS with suggestions for enhancements in oversight by CMS, FDA, and CDC
  • FDA charged with regulating new genetic tests
  • Risk based
  • Non-chilling
  • Informed by professional societies

FDA Planning

  • Unresolved issues
  • Legal authorities

FDA Work Plan

  • FDA has asserted authority over ASRs
  • FDA is considering possibility of incremental changes

FDA Plan

  • Internal documents developed
  • Ongoing discussion
  • Very complicated issues
  • Central issue is risk assessment
  • Challenging issue for SACGT
  • Challenging issue for FDA
  • Input expected from outside groups
  • Input welcome

Microarray/Other Technology

  • Under statute by default new device is class III
  • ASR is one type of new device
  • Microarray may not be class I exempt if it falls outside description of class I

Statutory/Regulatory Limitations

  • All devices have limitations to exemption
  • Even microarrays that might satisfy description of ASR classifications may trip limitations

Extensive Discussion

  • Nuanced issues
  • Complex issues
  • FDA commitment to clarify

If Premarket Notification Submission Is Required

  • If a given microarray cannot be found SE to a legally marketed predicate ASR, it becomes class III
  • Devices remain class III unless given a new classification by formal classification or new statutory option of de novo classification

De Novo 510(k)s

  • Flexible option when appropriate
  • Fast option when needed
  • Broad option -- TDM Round Table

FDA Revisit of ASRs

  • Not focused on genetic testing alone
  • Part of overall risk management initiatives without genetic exceptionalism
  • Likely to take time
  • Likely to be collaborative with other parts of HHS
  • Likely to emphasize Commissioner’s goals of risk based and economic regulation
  • Likely to emphasize Commissioner’s goal of consumerism

Alternative Review Models

  • IVAT
  • TPLC model
  • IVAT – dockets open
  • TPLC model – internal to Round Table
  • Public Discussion -- minutes
  • Common core issues
  • Comport to public health mission
  • Comport to law

IVAT Model

  • Well established, classified analytes is the norm
  • Clear intention is for more novel subsets
  • How to delineate between investigational and clinical phase of use?
  • How to classify without specific indications for use?
  • How to address clinical validation?

TPLC Model

  • Lack of understanding of how model relates to FDA determination that new device is as safe and effective as predicate – threshold addressed
  • Concerns over certification process for quality systems
  • Link between hazard analysis and SE not clear
  • Challenge to refine and illuminate by example

Change in Review Practice

  • More incremental
  • Based on current tools
  • Not challenge regulations or statutes

Template Based Review

  • Posting review memos
  • Home made template
  • Work backwards
  • Create turbo 510(k)
  • Electronic format
  • Paper format
  • Review is 1040 and supporting information in schedule A, B, C etc.
  • Submit turbo 510(k)
  • Review fast
  • Objectives similar although quantitatively different -- focused and fast reviews
  • Allow for TPLC approach in or around model

Inherent Value of IVAT

  • Model for establishing analytical performance
  • Question at SACGHS

Value of TPLC model

  • Need to refine regulation in the context of a bigger picture than premarket review
  • Need to consider risk management in a more concrete manner
  • Need to consider conformance between QSRs and ISO approaches


  • De novo West Nile
  • SARS workshop
  • SARS guidance on hold – sort through complex issues
  • Working with companies individually -- build experience needed

Informed Consent

  • No OIVD level activity in this area
  • Does industry plan to weigh in
  • Changing environment
  • Current recommendations -- talk to your IRB


  • Learning phase
  • First choice to work with companies informally to identify and correct problems
  • Second choice is to use regulatory tools
  • Some cases second choice comes first by requirement or default

Issue of Patient Safety

  • Profound cultural change
  • Commissioner initiatives for risk management, economic regulation, and consumerism
  • CDC and quality institute
  • Seeking innovative programming
  • May be gold in these hills

General Compliance Themes

  • Coordinated work groups
  • Use of OIVD web page to communicate issues
  • Better use of existing signals
  • Collaborating with industry to heighten safe use of laboratory devices

OIVD Objectives

  • Not unique
  • Use Fee Goals
  • TPLC
  • Contribute to Commissioner’s Strategic Plan

OIVD -- 11/17/03

  • Organization in transition
  • Moving toward different regulatory model
  • Not always smooth
  • Not always fast and direct
  • Challenging, dynamic, and entrepreneurial industry that always makes this work important and fun!

Updated October 24, 2003

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