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Welcome to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Educational Materials Online Catalog

This site is your gateway to the latest available information for health professionals, teachers, patients, and everyone interested in good health. Much of the information contained on this site is available for free in either electronic form which you may download now, or in printed form which you may order online. You may also order products by phone, fax, or mail. We also offer a variety of high-quality products for a nominal fee. In addition, many products contained on this site may be purchased in bulk at a discount.


Your Guide to Lowering Your Blood Pressure with DASH

The DASH Diet is clinically proven to lower your blood pressure significantly. New and updated with great menus and recipes based on 2005 nutrient content data.

Heart Healthy Home Cooking African American Style - With Every Heartbeat is Life

Prepare favorite African American dishes the heart healthy way: protect you and your family from heart disease and stroke.

Healthy Hearts, Healthy Homes - Keep the Beat: Control Your High Blood Pressure/Corazones sanos, hogares saludables - Cuide su vida: Controle su presión arterial alta

Presents important information about high blood pressure in a user-friendly, culturally appropriate and clear manner for Latinos.

My Blood Pressure Wallet Card

"I can do it!" is the message of this handy card. Helps patients monitor blood pressure readings, medications, and lifestyle changes conducive to lowering their blood pressure.

A Pocket Guide to Blood Pressure Measurement in Children

This laminated card provides health care professionals with guidance on measuring blood pressure in children 3 - 17, as well as interpreting and classifying results.

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