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Master Low Power Stations List

Master Low Power TV Stations List Download MS Excel File   (As of 4/03/09)

The master low power station list provides specific information for all licensed low power stations in the country by state. Most of these stations provide service within a 15 mile radius, but this figure can vary between five and 30 miles, depending upon the technical authorization of the station.

Stations are identified by call sign and facility type, as applicable (i.e. LPTV, Class A or TV translator, Digital LPTV, Digital Class A, or Digital TV Translator). Additionally, the station’s community of license, licensee name, DMA and DMA rank is provided.

If the station has applied for a Digital Companion Channel (“DCC”) or applied for a Digital Flash Cut (“DFC”), the type of application (e.g. either “DCC” or “DFC”) is noted in the “Digital Appl’l Type” column. If no application has been filed, the column will be blank.

If an application has been filed, its status is provided in the “Digital App’l Status” column. There are three categories for each type of application:

  • DCC Applications: (1) “LICEN” – the digital companion channel station is fully built and operational; (2) “GRANT” – the FCC has granted a construction permit for the digital companion channel; and (3) ACCEPT – the application is currently pending at the FCC.
  • DFC Applications: (1) “LICEN” – the station is operating in digital on its analog channel, and no longer operating an analog station; (2) “GRANT” – the FCC has granted the station’s application to flash cut, but the station has yet to do so; and (3) “ACCEPT” – the application is currently pending at the FCC.

Once they receive a DCC or DFC authorization, low power stations may construct and commence operation of their digital facilities. Once it has started operating in digital, a DCC licensee has the discretion to continue or to terminate its analog operation.

The FCC has also identified specific communities that may not receive any signals from full power television broadcasters. Low power stations that provide the only over-the-air broadcast service to these communities have notations in the “LP-ONLY COMMUNITY” column in the attached list. If the column is blank, one or more full power television stations also serve that specific community.