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Lifelong Learning

Abraham Lincoln was a lifelong learner.

His education began at his mother’s—and later, his step-mother’s—knee.  With less than two years of formal education, though, he managed to become one of our most eloquent Presidents.  The desire to rise above his poor beginnings and sheer perseverance and led to him to teach himself math as a child and later to pursue a career in law.  Throughout his life, he continued to educate himself.

Lifelong learning is the idea that it is never too late for learning.  Nor does education have to be confined to a classroom.

There are many opportunities for adults to continue to learn about Abraham Lincoln and what he can still teach us about what it means to be American.

It could be as simple as picking a book from the Essential Lincoln Bookshelf.

Maybe it’s attending a Bicentennial Town Hall Meeting or one of the many Lincoln conferences being planned.

For the more active and adventurous, sign up for an Elderhostel with a Lincoln theme or plan your own trip to Lincoln historic sites.