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What's up

What's Up - February 2009

Take a step back in time and see how astronomers like Galileo studied the moon. When you gaze at the moon, you’ll see the same views that enchanted and startled ancient astronomers centuries ago.

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Building a Clean Dream Machine for Space

Building a Clean Space Machine

Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the Clean Room at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and see the construction of NASA’s next mission to Mars.

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Open house events in 2008

Open House: Earth Sciences

Models and displays of Earth-observing missions were on display at Open House 2008.

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Open House: Mars

Open House: Mars

Rover prototypes were on display during Open House 2008 for missions that will one day explore Mars. Open House 2009 is on May 2 and 3.

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Open House: Cassini

Open House: Cassini

Exciting discoveries from the Cassini mission at Saturn were featured at Open House 2008. Open House 2009 is on May 2 and 3.

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Open house events in 2008

Open House: Planet Hunting

Open House 2008 featured scientists and engineers discussing the search for Earth-like planets. Open House 2009 is on May 2 and 3.

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artist concept of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory

Podcast: The Space Hunt Is On -- for Carbon Dioxide

NASA's new Orbiting Carbon Observatory will study carbon dioxide--a major contributor to global warming--in Earth's atmosphere.

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JPL Open House

Catch highlights of last year’s Open House and mark your calendars for this year’s event, on May 2 and 3, 2009.

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Artist concept

Titan Saturn System Mission

A proposed mission to Titan would use a balloon, a lander and an orbiter to explore this Earth-like world.

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Artist concept of Europa and Jupiter

Europa Jupiter System Mission

Can there be life elsewhere? A proposed mission to Jupiter’s icy moons would explore Europa and Ganymede.

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