National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Charter of the
National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
Advisory Board


The U.S. Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Policy of December 8, 2004 (the Policy) established a permanent National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive Committee (the Executive Committee), co-chaired by the Deputy Secretaries of the Departments of Defense and Transportation, or by their designated representatives, and currently comprised of representatives at the equivalent level from the Department of State, Department of Commerce, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Interior, Department of Agriculture, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA hereby renews the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Advisory Board (hereinafter, "the Board") Charter for another two years, but it is NASA's intention to transfer formal sponsorship of the Board to another Federal agency at the conclusion of the first year (no later than December 31, 2009). The Board will operate solely in an advisory capacity as directed by the Policy and in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. App.

Objectives and Duties

  1. The Board will provide advice, as directed by the Executive Committee and through NASA, on U.S. space-based PNT policy, planning, program management, and funding profiles in relation to the current state of national and international space-based PNT services. This advice will consist of assessments and recommendations to facilitate the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the Policy on behalf of the Executive Committee. NASA, in close coordination with the Executive Committee, will task the Board and define the full scope of responsibilities and schedules required for each task assigned.
  2. The Board will evaluate national and international needs for changes in space-based PNT capabilities, assess possible trade-offs among options, and provide independent advice and recommendations to the Executive Committee on requirements and program needs. These evaluations will be considered by the Executive Committee in recommending a national PNT strategy and developing annual updates to the 5-Year Space-Based PNT Plan. The United States reserves the right to hold "U.S.-only" meetings of the Board, as required, in full compliance with the FACA and related U.S. statutes and regulations.

Members and Chair

  1. The Board will consist of not more than 25 members to be approved by the co-chairs of the Executive Committee and appointed by the NASA Administrator to ensure a balanced representation in terms of the points of view represented and the functions to be performed. Most members will serve as Special Government Employees (SGEs), although representative members from critical industry sectors, academia, or space-based PNT user application areas may also serve as deemed necessary and appropriate. Members will be identified as SGEs or Representative members when they are appointed, which will be reflected in the individual appointment letters. International participation on the Board may be considered.
  2. Members will be appointed for the duration of this Charter, not to exceed two years. Vacancy appointments shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of the vacancy. Information classified for national security reasons may be provided to appropriately cleared members of the Board to support the mission of the Executive Committee.
  3. The Board Chair and any Vice Chairs, as appropriate, will be approved by the Executive Committee co-chairs and appointed by the NASA Administrator.
  4. Committees, subcommittees and/or task forces may be established to conduct special studies requiring an effort of limited duration. Committees, subcommittees and/or task force membership and terms of reference will be approved and appointed by the NASA Administrator in consultation with the Executive Committee. Consultants with special expertise may also be designated to assist subordinate groups on an ad hoc basis. Such committees, subcommittees and/or task forces will report their findings and recommendations to the Executive Committee through the Board Chair. Duration of committees, subcommittees and/or task forces will be determined by the terms of reference under which they are established.

Administrative Provisions

  1. The Designated Federal Official will be appointed by the NASA Administrator and will serve as the Executive Director of the Board.
  2. The Board will meet at least twice each fiscal year. Meetings will be open to the public unless it is determined that the meeting, or a portion of the meeting, will be closed in accordance with the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b(c).
  3. Members of the Board will not be compensated for their services, but will, upon request, be allowed travel and per diem expenses as allowed by 5 U.S.C. 5701 et seq. and the FACA as amended.
  4. The estimated annual operating costs are $170,000, which includes the approximate costs for meeting logistics, travel, report generation, subordinate meetings, and U.S. Government staff support. U.S. Government staff support is expected to require .5 work years of effort.


Since the Board is a Presidential advisory committee, this Charter shall become effective upon the filing of this Charter with the Committee Management Secretariat of the U.S. General Services Administration and shall terminate two years from the date of the filing unless earlier terminated or renewed.

/signature of C. J. Scolese/
Christopher J. Scolese
Acting Administrator
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

January 26, 2009