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Awards Archive - 1998

Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Nicanor J. Liquido, Roy T. Cunningham
For developing and transferring photoactive dyes as environmentally acceptable alternatives to malathion for controlling Mediterranean fruit flies.
David C. Goodrich, Carl L. Unkrich, David A. Woolhiser, Roger E. Smith
For the development and transfer of rainfall-runoff and erosion modeling technology to improve flood and erosion estimates and enhance watershed management.
Kevin B. Hicks, Robert A. Moreau, Andrew J. McAloon, Robert A. Norton, Robert Hron
For licensing to Monsanto a new natural cholesterol-lowering oil that was discovered through collaboration involving three USDA laboratories and the University of Massachusetts.
Michael Kasperbauer, Patrick Hunt
For the development and transfer of a new red plastic mulch whose reflected light regulates products of photosynthesis, and increased yield and quality of food crops.

Forest Service's Forest Products Laboratory
Gary M. Scott, T. Kent Kirk, Masood Akhtar, Michael Lentz, Eric Horn, John Hardiman, David F. Shipley, Ross Swaney
For the transfer of a natural wood-pulping process called "biopulping" that avoids environmental problems and saves energy.

National Institute of Standards and Technology
David Ferraiolo, John F. Barkley, Jr., D. Richard Kuhn, Anthony V. Cincotta, Serban I. Gavrilla, Janet Cugini
For the development and transfer of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), which controls access to computer system networks.
William J. Boettinger, Ursula Kattner, Ared Cezairlyan, Robert J. Schaefer, William P. Dube, William R. Kelly, Dale W. Fitting, Thomas A. Siewert
For the development and transfer to the aerospace industry of an analytical technique for advanced casting processes.
Donald Libes
For the development and transfer of Expect, a technology for automating programs specifically meant for human control.

Air Force Wright Laboratory
John P. Mistretta
For the incorporation of advanced composite materials to cost effectively rehabilitate bridges.

Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
Vincent F. Hock, Susan a. Drozdz, Curt Gastafson, Bob Burton
For the development and transfer of in-situ chemical stabilization of lead-based waste from abrasive blasting.
Richard G. Lampo, Thomas J. Nosker, Alan E. Robbins, Malcome g. McLaren, Jr.
For the development and transfer of plastic lumber materials for construction.

Army of Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
For the development and transfer of the Department of Defense's groundwater modeling system.
Jeffrey A. Melby, George F. Turk
For the development of a new and improved concrete armor unit for breakwaters.

Army Natick Research Development and Engineering Center
Robert L. Trottler, Peter G. Lavigne
For the transfer of military self-heating technology for retail use.

Naval Air Warfare Center's Training Systems Division
Jeff Horey, Bob McCormack, Ron Wolff, Edward Purvis
For development and transfer of the Weapons Team Engagement Trainer that simulates hostage rescue, room clearing and terrorist encounters.

Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
Michael D. Seltzer, Gerhard A. Meyer
For development and transfer of the Thermo Jarrell Ash TraceAIR, a monitoring system for toxic airborne metals.

Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division
Peter McGraw, Charles Kelly, Carlton Jones, Jr., Dwight Lavinder, Thomas Walters, Dietrich Wiegman, Craig Alig, Reid McAllister
For development of the plastics waste processor.

Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Norman L. Owsley, Andrew J. Hull
For the development of the noninvasive identification of acoustic signals generated during the human cardiac cycle.

Argonne National Laboratory
Keng H. Leong, Walter J. Spawr
For the development of a low-cost real-time laser weld monitoring system.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Luiz B. Da Silva, Dennis L. Matthews, Peter M. Celliers, Duncan J. Maitland, Richard A. London, Abraham P. Lee, Peter Krulevitch, William J. Benett, J. Patrick Fitch
For the development and transfer of a stroke treatment system to emulsify blood clots based on fiber-optic-delivered optoacoustic thrombolysis.
Stephen P. Vernon, Don R. Kania, Patrick A. Kearney, Swie-in Tan, Richard A. Levesque
For the development and transfer of the Ultra Clean Ion Beam Sputter Deposition System.

Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
Leo E. Labaj, Vivian M. Baylor, Tim W. Hickerson, Richard M. Pack
For the development and transfer of the Enclosed Space Detection System, a device to detect occupants concealed in a vehicle.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Stephen M. Killough, ORNL - Robotics and Process Systems Division
For technology that enables a set of wheels to drive robotic platforms in an omnidirectional manner, which was transferred to the wheelchair industry for a prototype wheelchair that can be driven omnidirectionally
Kenneth W. Tobin, Jr.; Shaun S. Gleason; and Thomas P. Karnowski, ORNL - Instrumentation and Controls Division
For transferring spatial signature analysis research to the semiconductor manufacturing industry.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Theresa M. Bergsman, Janet S. Roberts, Richard A. Brouns, Douglas E. McKinley
For commercialization and transfer of Six-Phase Soil Heating, an advanced soil vapor extraction technology.
Marvin D. Erickson, Renie C. McVeety, James J. Thomas, Gerald L. Work, Shawn J. Bohn, Marc C. Pottier, Kelly Pennock
For development of information visualization software called SPIRE.
Walter K. Hensley, A. David McKinnon, Mark E. Panisko, Rodney M. Savard, Philip C. Pulver
For the development and transfer of software that quickly and simply complies essential nuclear research data.

Goddard Space Flight Center
Frank Cepolina
For development and transfer of the Stargazer Hubble Telescope as used in such industries as medical, semiconductor and industrial tooling.
John M. Vranish
For development and transfer of commercial spinoffs from space robotic capaciflector and three-dimensional roller-locking sprag technologies.

Lewis Research Center
Don J. Roth, James R. Bodis
For development and transfer of single transducer thickess-independent ultrasonic imaging.
M. "Jay" Singh, Stanley R. Levine
For developing and transferring affordable fiber-reinforced ceramic composites manufacturing technology.

Langley Research Center
Dr. Khaled S. Abdol-Hamid
The PAB3D CFD Code