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Awards Archive - 1990

Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Forest Service
John M. Higgs
For exemplary performance and delivery of forestry and forest products technology to timber source owners and users.

Air Force Phillips Laboratory
Robert W. Conley, Michael K. Gleicher
Developed an algorithm for compressing supercomputer graphic files that has led to the weapons laboratory's first Cooperative Research & Development Agreement (CRADA) with the private sector.

Air Force Rome Laboratory
Donald M. Elefante, Jeffrey D. Grimshaw, Douglas A. White
For outstanding work in transferring Knowledge-Based Software Assistant technology to government and industry.

Air Force Wright Laboratories
Arthur J. Wennerstrom
For leadership, dedication and initiative in conceptualizing and transferring compressor low aspect ratio blading and swept technologies and making them industry standards.

Army Chemical RD&E Center
Mark Althouse, Gary L. Doggett
For outstanding initiative and dedication in the development and promotion of an innovative thermal imaging sensor for use as a cancer evaluation device.

Army Natick RD&E Center
Stephen Fossey, Deirdre Rapacz
For initiative in commercializing advanced synthetic insulation material (Primaloft).

Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
T.Y. Lee
For outstanding dedication and creativity in the transfer of cogeneration and energy systems technology to the public and private sectors.

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Hazardous Materials Branch Team
Outstanding contribution for enhancement of emergency preparedness of local government through development and transfer of the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) program.

Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University
David T. Peterson, Frederick A. Schmidt, John T. Wheelock
For extraordinary initiative and effort in the development and market research stages of commercializing the thermite-reduction process.

Argonne National Laboratory
Robert P. Larsen, Raj Sekar
For successfully applying the silicon nitride material technology to racecar engines, in part by using personal time and funds.
Oscar O. Ohlsson
For initiative in commercializing bBinder-enhanced refuse-derived fuel (b-dRDF) pellets by proposing a Minnesota legislative amendment for concurrent operating permit testing, and entitling a private company for joint sponsorship.

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Leonard Hamilton, Paul Moskowitz
Developed and promoted the use of biomedical and environmental risk assessment techniques by industry to meet environmental and safety requirements.
Meyer Steinberg
For unstinting and continuing efforts in promoting the HYDROCARB process for producing clean carbon fuels from coal up to the point of industrial acceptance and initial funding of a prototype system.

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Arlon Hunt
For developing, patenting, and transferring to a startup company the process of producing aerogel, a superior insulating material that reduces ozone destruction.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Robert L. Braun, Alan K. Burnham, Jerry J. Sweeney
For formation of a Petroleum Geochemistry Consortium, licensing software to businesses, and collaborative research with an additional small firm.
James M. Brase
For unusual initiative and energy in distributing the image analysis of display computer code VIEW under collaborative agreements to a group of over 200 users.
Viktor E. Hampel
For exemplary imagination and initiative in developing the Intelligent Gateway processor and simultaneously pursuing means for the widespread dissemination and application of the technology.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Maurice W. Collins, Raymond L. Elliott, Norman R. Morse
For outstanding creativity and initiative in the development and transfer of the common file system (Date Tree) to industry.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Helena L. Chum
For leadership and creativity in the formation of a laboratory-industry partnership to commercialize the biomass adhesives technology.
David Jager, Edward McKenna, Brian Smith, James Tangler
For outstanding achievement in assisting industry to develop and commercialize advanced airfoil blades for wind turbines, thereby reducing wind energy costs and opening new markets for U.S. manufacturers.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Victor J. Tennery
For major contributions to industry by conceptualizing, starting, and managing the High Temperature Materials Laboratory User Program.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Donald M. Boyd, Douglas K. Lemon, Gary E. Spanner
For creatively involving the U.S. steel industry in the development and transfer of a temperature-measuring system tailored to meet industry needs.
David E. Eakin, Richard T. Hallen, Charles A. Rohmann, Paul C. Walkup
For creativity and perseverance in the unique transfer of a new technology to the sugar industry.

Sandia National Laboratories, NM
Robert S. Blewer
For his diligent work in stimulating the development and use of tungsten technology in the semiconductor manufacturing community.

Sandia National Laboratories, CA
Eldon L. Porter, Peter O. Wilze
For initiating an effective partnership with an instrument manufacturer and industry users that led to the rapid commercialization of fiber-optic instrumented spark plug technology.

National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
Vladimir Hampl
For contributions to gaining acceptance of controls to reduce wood dust emissions in the woodworking and furniture industries.

Ames Research Center
Leonard A. Haslim
For ingenuity and determination in developing and transferring the Electo-Expulsive Diecing System for government and commercial applications in the fields of aeronautics and shipping.
Leonard A. Haslim
For ingenuity and determination in the development and transfer of the Elliptical Seat Spring Assembly for government and commercial use in the aircraft, automobile, and shipping industries.

Langley Research Center
John H. Cantrell, Jr., William T. Yost
For outstanding creativity in the design and development of a noninvasive ultrasonic burn depth instrument and transfer of the technology to the biomedical sector.

VA-Atlanta Rehab R&D Center
James A. Bostrom, Pascal Malassigne
For excellence and initiative in transferring to private industry bathroom fixtures for elderly and disabled persons, developed with Veterans Affairs, sponsorship.