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Awards Archive - 1985

Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Agricultural Research Service
Robert M. Hendrickson, Jr.
Leadership in the development and introduction of a unique method of biological pest control that saved agriculture $13 million in 1982 and at least that amount each subsequent year.

Forest Products Laboratory
Erwin L. Schaffer, Roger L. Tuomi
Designing and patenting of the truss-framed system for residential construction and an aggressive technology transfer effort resulting in national acceptance by the public and private sectors.

Air Force Engineering & Services Center
Joseph L. Walker
Aggregation of the critical resources needed to significantly advance and transfer fire fighting agents, protective clothing and equipment for firefighters in the United States.

Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
Robert L. Alumbaugh, Spencer R. Conklin
Transferring of a large amount of data generated on sprayed polyurethane foam roof systems to state and local government and into the private sector using a variety of technology transfer procedures.

Naval Command Control Ocean Center
John Reindel
Technical innovation in the printed circuit technology and leadership in transferring this technology to industry.

Naval Oceanographic Office
Carey Ingram
Conceiving and coordinating development by Louisiana State University of a prototype expendable bottom penetrometer system for automatic sea bed classification and measurement of sediment shear strength.

Naval Underwater Systems Center
Ronald G. Heroux
For his tireless and creative efforts to assist state and local government in Rhode Island to implement cable television and other telecommunications systems.

National Institute of Standards & Technology
Robert Loevinger
Establishing a national network of radiation therapy measurement calibration laboratories in cooperation with AAPM, government laboratories, and industry.
Dennis M. Gilbert, Albert T. Landberg, Jr., Lynn S. Rosenthal, Charles L. Sheppard
Creating and operating microcomputer-based electronic bulletin board systems that support technology transfer to individuals in industry and government.

Argonne National Laboratory
Jack M. Williams
Developing and transferring to private industry the synthesis of the synthetic metal precursor (TMTSF).
E. Philip Horwits, Louis Kaplan
Leadership and initiative in transferring to the private sector a new chemical extractant, which has application in nuclear industry and in separations research.

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Eric B. Forsyth, Albert C. Muller
Developing polymeric tape insulation for power cables as an American-produced alternative to paper/polymer laminated insulation produced exclusively by the Japanese.
Jack Fontana, Lawrence E. Kudacka, Meyer Steinberg
Developing and assisting in the commercialization of polymer concrete materials used by industry for producing construction materials; used by states and municipalities for bridge and highway repair; and used by the United States Air Force for runway repair under damp and cold conditions.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Robert Godwin
Facilitating collaboration with U.S. industry in the development of the Nova Laser System.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education
Audrey T. Schlafke-Stelson, Michael G. Stabin, Evelyn E. Watson
Developing new technologies, disseminating information, and providing radiation dose assistance to government agencies, industry, laboratories, and physicians.

Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Rudolph T. Allemann, Benjamin M. Johnson, Ellwood V. Werry
Transferring advanced decontamination techniques successfully to the commercial nuclear industry where they are in widespread use.
Richard P. Allen, Leland K. Fetrow, Michael W. McCoy
Transferring advanced decontamination techniques successfully to the commercial nuclear industry, where they are in widespread use.

Sandia National Laboratories (New Mexico)
David S. Ginley, Janda K. Panitz, Carleton H. Seager, Donald J. Sharp
Developing a process to increase the efficiency of solar cells using ion-beam hydrogenation, and transfer to the manufacturing industry.
Peter B. Rand
For development of a stabilized aqueous foam material, and transfer to the security system and fire-fighting industries.

Lewis Research Center
Tito Serafini
Developing PMR-15 polyimide matrix resins and transfer of the technology to advanced aerospace composite applications.

Marshall Space Flight Center
John R. Richardson
Significant biomedical engineering contributions in the development of a precise ocular screening system used to detect eye abnormalities in children.