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Procurement List

The Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled maintains a Procurement List of products and services which have been placed in the AbilityOne Program, as referenced in FAR Subparts 8.0 and 8.7. Once a product or service is on the Procurement List, the Government must buy it from the organization designated by the Committee until the government no longer has requirements for that item, or until a nonprofit agency employing people with severe disabilities can no longer furnish that item.

For more information on how to purchase AbilityOne products or services, please click on "How to Buy Products" or "How to Buy Services" from the sidebar menu on the left of the screen. To search for products or services on the Procurement List, please click on
"Search Product List" or "Search Services List" from the sidebar menu. To download complete listings of products and services on the Procurement
List, please click on "Downloads" from the sidebar menu.

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