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Today's Lincoln Bicentennial commissioners, historians and civic planners look back on the 100th and 150th anniversaries of Lincoln's birth, and sadly note that an acknowledgement of the tragedies of slavery and perpetuation of racism were not at the heart of the nation's commemorations.

Today we plan conferences on global emancipation with Howard and Oxford University.

Today we plan Town Halls in Atlanta, Charleston, Los Angeles, Miami and more.  These are premised upon our acceptance of the challenge of "unfinished work" that Lincoln laid on us at Gettysburg - We believe we can find new ways to make freedom and equality of opportunity a reality for all.

Is this the heart of our national celebration? Will it truly be a national commemoration? Largely a nation of immigrants, we are held together by our commitment to powerful ideas. Have we told to all the very moving and complex Lincoln story of his ultimate commitment to these ideals? Most importantly, have we listened to the voices of those youth and new American's as they freshly interpret our greatest icon?

Will we succeed in producing a truly national commemoration in this digital age? Despite the dedication of many educators, indications are that history and civics are having a tough time reaching many.

A circuit court judge recently told me about a family where the father and mother had passed the citizenship test, then coached their public school educated children in the essentials of American history and government.  Lincoln's Gettysburg Address followed by his Second Inaugural really resounded.

Are more families involved in telling stories - in sharing history?

Today what is our essential Lincoln? Can you imagine planting a time capsule - a message to the future? This corrosion proof capsule will reveal what we value in the Lincoln legacy, what we are sharing with our children in schools and at home. This time capsule will reveal who we are today for those who will open this capsule in 100 years.

Do you want the capsule to contain a message from the 45th U.S. president or from another famous person? Is there a particular book of the hundreds that will be published this year on Lincoln that is most meaningful to you or your family? Books may only be electronic by 2109. Is there something funny, moving, or quirky that should be included? Lincoln would have appreciated that.

While we may not write a book of the record of the time capsule, we will occasionally list what you want included in this time capsule. Who knows the item capsule may prove to be more than imaginary.

Would we re-dedicate the land grant colleges? And what of the time capsule, who should speak? Will she be funny moving quirky and substantive?

Do share your vision of a Lincoln Legacy time capsule. Occasionally, I will reprint responses.


Posted by Hasan Aloul at 08/08/2008 03:40:57 PM | 

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