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HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt Visits El Paso, Texas, in First Fact-Finding Tour of U.S. Ports of Entry for Imports

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Michael O. Leavitt and the Commissioner of the HHS Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Honorable Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D., interact with Anna Ontiveros, HHS/FDA Consumer Safety Technician, at the Bridge of the Americas in El Paso, Texas. Photo by John Mallos, HHS.


July 27, 2007 - U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Michael O. Leavitt toured the import facility at the Bridge of the Americas, in El Paso, Texas, and observed inspectors from the HHS Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as they processed truck traffic into the United States from México, including the off-loading of trucks, the examining of bills of laden, the inspection of containers and the inspection of product. HHS/FDA Commissioner Andrew Von Eschenbach accompanied Secretary Leavitt on this tour.


After the tour, the Secretary participated in a round table discussion with local U.S. and Mexican officials, including Luis García, Director of Field Operations, DHS/CPB in El Paso; Polly J. Figueroa, Acting Port Director, DHS/CBP in El Paso; Dr. José Manuel de la Rosa, U.S. Section Member, United States– México Border Health Commission; Ambassador Eleazar Benjamín Ruíz, Executive Secretary, México Section, United States– México Border Health Commission; Luis C. Chavarría, Supervisory Investigator, HHS/FDA; Alejandro Macias, Health and Community Affairs Coordinator, Mexican Consulate in El Paso; Kathleen Walz, Border Affairs Liaison Officer, U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juárez, México; and Dr. Miguel Escobedo, Medical Officer, El Paso Quarantine Station, HHS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also at the meeting were representatives of the Texas State Health Department and the U.S. Department of Transportation.


The trip to El Paso was the first of several fact-finding tours of U.S. ports of entry the Secretary will be making as the Chair of the Cabinet-level Working Group on Import Safety created by President Bush. Secretary Leavitt and his fellow Cabinet officials have 60 days to make recommendations to the President after reviewing existing programs on import safety in the public and private sectors.


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Last revised: September 09, 2008