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About ASCR Facilities...
ASCR provides several supercomputing facilities and advanced scientific networks along with programs to utilize these facilities.

Supercomputers or massively parallel high-performance computers, by every definition describes machines that employ very large numbers of processors in parallel to address scientific and engineering challenges.  "Massively parallel processing" splits up a task or problem and parcels it out to multiple processors that work simultaneously but in concert to quickly supply results. High-performance computers link hundreds or thousands of processors - the computer chips that perform most calculations - in massively parallel configurations.  Some of the processors in high-performance computers are specially designed for their purpose.  In others, the processors are similar to the commercially available ones found in home computers, but they're linked by custom-made hardware and software that lets them work together quickly and efficiently.

High-performance computers carry out trillions or even quadrillions of calculations each second - powerful enough to simulate the most complex physical, biological and chemical phenomena. Supercomputers help scientists understand these processes at unprecedented levels - from individual atoms for nanoscale engineering to the entire planet for global climate studies. High-performance computers also are powerful enough to provide insight into systems and process by simulating them with great detail over relatively long times.

The primary facilities funded and managed by ASCR are listed below.

  • Leadership Computing Facility - Oak Ridge
    The Leadership Computing Facility (LCF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is building the world's most powerful unclassified scientific research supercomputer to provide computational science researchers with an environment for new discoveries.

  • Leadership Computing Facility - Argonne
    Argonne Leadership Computing Facility provides the computational science community with a world-leading computing capability dedicated to breakthrough science and engineering.  The ALCF provides resources that make computationally intensive projects of the largest scales possible.

    The Innovative & Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program was conceived specifically to seek out computationally intensive, large-scale research projects with the potential to significantly advance key areas in science and engineering.

    The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) is a supercomputing center funded and maintained by ASCR at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to support basic scientific research.

  • ESnet
    Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) provides an interoperable, highly capable and reliable communications infrastructure and a spectrum of core services that are the essential components of the highly-advanced scientific research collaborative environment for all of DOE.





Page Last Updated: May 13, 2009
ASCR Facilities Strategic Plan
  476kb PDF File
Management Model for the Delivery of High Performance & Leadership Class Computing Systems for Scientific Discovery
(413 LITE)

  483kb PDF file
Allocation Procedure and Policy
  43kb PDF File
Risk Management Techniques and Practice Workshop

The New Secret Weapon
Contact the Division Director
Email the Division Director
Facilities Division Director
Vince Dattoria
 Department of Energy
 Office of Advanced Scientific
  Computing Research
 SC-21.2 (Germantown)
 1000 Independence Ave., SW
 Washington, DC 20585-1290
 Phone: (301) 903-9560
 Fax: (301) 903-7774
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