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A Message from Our Co-Chairs

A Message from Our Co-Chairs
About the Commission

Welcome to the official web site of the United States Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission (ALBC) 

The Commission was established by Congress in 2000 to plan the national observance of the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth in 2009.

A roster of distinguished Americans has been named by the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the White House to work together to propose and craft programs of celebration and education. Among our mandates are the tasks of considering a special bicentennial penny, as well as a commemorative postage stamp.

Our larger challenge -- one we are preparing to meet with great enthusiasm and, hopefully, with much help from you -- is the task of sharing with our fellow Americans, as well as people around the world, the enduring legacy of Abraham Lincoln. 

During the gravest crisis in American history, Lincoln preserved the Union, led the effort to eradicate slavery, and articulated the best aspirations of American democracy. We propose recalling these accomplishments in ways that will enlighten and inspire us both today and tomorrow. Remembering our past, we can better light the way to our future.

We encourage you to visit our site often, to follow our efforts closely and, most important of all, to share with us ideas about how this important national event should be celebrated. The web site will be interactive, and we look forward to your frequent communications.

Thank you for your shared commitment to the legacy of Abraham Lincoln.



Senator Richard Durbin
Congressman Ray LaHood
Harold Holzer