CAFC Home United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit


The Office of the Senior Staff Attorney (SSA) is responsible for all precalendar motions requiring action by a judge. In addition, SSA processes certain precalendar motions that are acted on by the clerk of the court.

The Guide for Motions Practice answers common questions about motions.

The top ten reasons why motions are rejected are listed here.


The Court is now posting electronic versions of orders resolving motions processed through the Office of the Senior Staff Attorney on or after January 30, 2009. The orders are posted in PDF format twice daily. Although certain orders are not posted on this page, further case information is available through the court's PACER system.

In addition to the orders posted on this page, precedential orders and selected nonprecedential orders are also posted on the court's Opinions & Orders page.

You may search for orders by the abbreviated caption, case number, or order date. To retrieve all orders filed on a particular date, type that date in the "order date" field.

Case Number
i.e [2009-1001]
Order Date
i.e [1/30/2009]

United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit | 717 Madison Place N.W. | Washington, DC 20439