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Glossary of Federal Terms
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EFFECTIVE DATE — The date on which a personnel action takes place and on which the employee's official assignment begins.

EOD (ENTRY ON DUTY) — The process by which a person completes the necessary paperwork and is sworn in as an employee.

EX-SERVICE PERSON — A person who was separated from active duty performed in peacetime or wartime. (A person on active duty may be an ex-serviceperson because of separation from previous active duty.)

EXCEPTED POSITION — A position in the excepted service.

EXCEPTED SERVICE — Unclassified service, unclassified Civil Service or positions outside the competitive service and the senior executive service. Excepted service positions have been excepted from the requirements of the competitive service by law,

EXECUTIVE ORDER — A directive issued by the President.

EXPERT — A person with excellent qualifications and a high degree of attainment in professional, scientific, technical, or other field. An expert's attainment is such that he or she usually is regarded as an authority or as a practitioner of unusual competence and skill by other persons in the profession, occupation, or activity in unskilled, semiskilled or skilled manual labor

EXPERT POSITION — A position that cannot be satisfactorily performed by someone who is not an expert in that field.

EXTENSION — The continuation of a time-limited appointment (one with an NTE date) up to the maximum time allowed by the authority under which it was affected.

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