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Case studies help to highlight sustainable features in both engineering, architecture, and facilities management. Numerous facilities have implemented high-performance design features into new or retrofit laboratory projects. Learn from the successes of these facilities by following the links to the right.

Each case study provides information on a variety of sustainable concepts in laboratory design. To view which technologies are exemplified in each case study, check the Labs21 Case Studies: Featured Concepts table.Adobe PDF. Click for more information. (3 pp., 193 KB)

In addition to case studies, the Labs21 Energy Analysis (Adobe PDF. Click for more information. 82 pp., 1.7 MB) applies various energy-efficient strategies to a generic laboratory under four different climate conditions. The analysis can be used to evaluate which energy-efficient measures would reap the most benefits when applied to laboratories operating under various conditions.

For more information, contact:

Otto D. Van Geet
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Phone: 303 384-7369
Fax: 303 384-7330

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