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However, in  X-approximately 260 cases, the DTVSERVICE from Appendix B of the Order is less than the associated NTSCSERVICE. In such cases, the baseline for the 10% limit determination is the  X-associated NTSCSERVICE from Appendix B of the Order. Thus, a DTV station with its DTVSERVICE less than 90% of its associated NTSCSERVICE will be considered to be at its  X-10% interference limit and protected from additional interference under the 2% de minimis criteria. For example, if the DTVSERVICE and associated NTSCSERVICE from Appendix  X-B of the Order were 800,000 and 1,000,000, respectively, the baseline is the larger population (1,000,000). A 10% reduction in the baseline would result in service remaining for 900,000  Xb-people. The DTVSERVICE (800,000) would not be subject to any de minimis interference reductions under the 2% criteria because it is less than 90% of the baseline. Attached to this  X6-Notice is a list of the DTV stations from the Order for which the baseline should be their NTSCSERVICE because it is larger than their DTVSERVICE.  X-Each application seeking to demonstrate that it would cause no more than a de minimis amount of interference to a DTV allotment must calculate a new DTVSERVICE for that allotment. The new DTVSERVICE must not be less than 90% of the DTV allotment's baseline (the larger of its DTVSERVICE and its associated NTSCSERVICE from Appendix B  X#-of the Order). For this 10% determination, the cumulative effect on the DTVSERVICE of any changes authorized in "surrounding stations" must be considered. Authorized DTV"$Z0*((F#" facilities for surrounding stations should not be substituted for the DTV allotment facilities if they are based on a checklist application or only serve an area contained within the area  X-assumed in Appendix B of the Order. Other surrounding authorized DTV facilities must be considered in place of their DTV allotment facilities if, and only if, their consideration reduces the DTVSERVICE. Ordinarily, surrounding NTSC stations should be considered based on their construction permit facilities, if such exist and if they are different from their licensed facilities.  XJ-If, subsequent to the Order, the DTV station has been authorized facilities that allow it to cover a new area beyond that covered by the allotment facilities, an additional DTVSERVICE  X -should be calculated for the modified facilities in the same manner as was done in the Order.  X -However, it does not appear feasible to base the 10% de minimis determination (either solely or additionally) on such a modified DTVSERVICE. Using a modified DTVSERVICE to determine conformance with the cumulative 10% criteria would require either extensive, accurate recordkeeping or extremely complicated and unwieldy calculations that may lead to  X -disputes. ^k yO(-#X\  P6G;IP#э The cumulative interference determination would need to be made based on the conditions that existed at the time the DTV station was authorized with facilities that expanded its coverage beyond that provided by the allotment. Keeping track of this information could be done by calculating the new DTVSERVICE at the time of the grant and maintaining a record of that value. Alternatively, sufficient data base records would need to be maintained to allow reconstruction of the conditions that existed at the time of the grant. Either approach would be very difficult to administer. Protection of the DTV allotment from the Order fulfills our top priority of providing a facility for each DTV station to replicate its associated NTSC service. In addition, although it is possible for a DTVSERVICE that has been increased through a modification to be subject to a cumulative reduction exceeding 10% of the modified DTVSERVICE, such an occurrence should be rare because it would require more than 5  X>-nearby DTV stations increasing their coverage and causing de minimis interference. We also note that the protection of the replication DTV allotment facilities was a decision that the  X-Commission may address further in the first twoyear review. @^k {O-#X\  P6G;IP#э See Fifth Report and Order, MM Docket No. 87268, 12 FCC Rcd 12809 (1997) at note 161. At that time, this procedure may need to be reexamined. As with DTV facilities changes, associated NTSC station modifications can occur. Attempting to alter the baseline to reflect such changes also appears to be an unnecessary complication. Therefore, both the DTVSERVICE and the  X-NTSCSERVICE in Appendix B of the Order will continue to be used as the baseline for determining conformance with the 10% criteria, even if the authorized DTV or NTSC  X-facilities have been modified subsequent to adoption of the Order.  X^-As with the 10% procedure, the 2% limit for de minimis impact on a DTV station involves consideration of its DTVSERVICE (and, where larger, its associated NTSCSERVICE). Also consistent with the 10% procedure, the baseline to be used for determining the magnitude of a 2% population reduction is the larger of the DTVSERVICE or the NTSCSERVICE from  X-Appendix B of the Order. If, in the above example, the DTVSERVICE and associated" 0*(("  X-NTSCSERVICE from Appendix B of the Order were 950,000 and 1,000,000, respectively, then the baseline population would again be the NTSCSERVICE population of 1,000,000. Using 2% of 1,000,000 would mean that interference to fewer than 20,000 people would be  X-considered de minimis. The 2% calculations differ from the 10% calculations because they must measure the individual contribution of a single DTV station filing an application. The impact of an application proposal is the difference between a determination of the DTVSERVICE before the application's proposed facilities are considered and another determination of the DTVSERVICE as it would be after the application's proposed facilities are considered. The impact should be considered separately for a DTV allotment and for any authorization for that allotment that is not based on a checklist application and extends the coverage beyond the allotment coverage in at least one direction. For both cases, the initial determination is the "current" noise limited population less the population predicted to receive NTSC or DTV  X -interference, i.e., noise limited population minus builtin interference considering changes to  X -surrounding NTSC and DTV stations authorized subsequent to the Order, excluding checklist DTV authorizations and authorizations for DTV facilities that only serve an area contained  X-within the area assumed in Appendix B of the Order.  XU-Determining 10% and 2% de minimis limits for NTSC. In Appendix B of the Order, a column identifies each NTSC station's "NEW INTERFERENCE: PEOPLE (% NL Pop)."  X)-Where this "PERCENTLOSS" exceeds 10%, additional de minimis interference is not allowed. Also, a DTV application will not be granted for facilities that would increase this value above 10%. Applicants should be aware that the final step in this calculation involves comparison with the NTSC station's noise limited service population, which is an intermediate value determined during the computer analysis before existing or new interference is considered. The PERCENTLOSS is calculated as the population with the noise limited area predicted to receive interference from only DTV sources (not NTSC alone or NTSC and DTV) divided by the noise limited service population, times 100.  X\-Each application seeking to demonstrate that it would cause no more than a de minimis amount of interference to an NTSC station must calculate a new PERCENTLOSS for that station. For the 10% determination, the cumulative effect on the PERCENTLOSS of any changes authorized in "surrounding" stations and the impact of the application proposal must be considered. Authorized DTV facilities for surrounding stations should not be considered if they are based on a checklist application or only serve an area contained within the area  X -assumed in Appendix B of the Order. Other surrounding authorized DTV facilities must be considered in place of their DTV allotment facilities if, and only if, their consideration increases the PERCENTLOSS. Ordinarily, surrounding NTSC stations should be considered based on their construction permit facilities, if such exist and if they are different from their licensed facilities. The new PERCENTLOSS must not be more than 10%, based on the NTSC station's authorized facilities at the time the application is prepared, with the following exception. "5' 0*((%"  X-NTSC stations authorized to change their coverage after the date of the Order may have taken their construction permit subject to accepting significant amounts of interference. If the new PERCENTLOSS based on the NTSC station's facilities at the time the application is prepared  X-exceeds 10% and the NTSC station's facilities were authorized after the date of the Order, an additional analysis should be done based on the NTSC facilities as they were authorized at the  X-time of the Order. The application will be considered as meeting the 10% de minimis criteria if the PERCENTLOSS determined by that additional analysis is less than 10%. As with the 10% procedure, the 2% limit for impact on an NTSC station involves considering the change to the NTSC station's PERCENTLOSS calculation. All of these calculations should reflect any changes in that NTSC station's authorized coverage and any changes to  X -surrounding NTSC and DTV stations authorized subsequent to the Order, excluding checklist DTV authorizations and authorizations for DTV facilities that only serve an area contained  X -within the area assumed in Appendix B of the Order. The impact of an application proposal is the difference between a determination of the PERCENTLOSS before the application's proposed facilities are considered and another determination of the PERCENTLOSS as it would be after the application's proposed facilities are considered. The PERCENTLOSS must not increase by more than 2%.  XU-Rounding and calculation tolerances. Variations in the implementations of OET Bulletin No. 69, including use of different computer platforms, may produce slightly different results. Determinations of compliance with the rules will be based on the Commission's implementation of the software, with the result rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent.  X-Thus, for example, interference to 2.04% of a station's population will be considered de  X-minimis unless it exceeds the 10% threshold. This is consistent with the accuracy in  X-Appendix B of the Order, where DTV interference to NTSC service is specified to a tenth of a percent. DTV maximum ERP values and the ERP values along individual azimuths will be rounded to the nearest tenth of a dB. This is consistent with the rule for NTSC stations found Section 73.615. As stated in Section 73.622(d)(5), distance calculations will be rounded to the nearest tenth of a kilometer. Finally, for NTSC station minor change applications, which may not cause interference to DTV allotments or authorizations, we will round the determination of interference to the nearest percent.  X-Other considerations. Calculations of service populations or interference percentages are not affected by interference agreements between stations. Even where there are such agreements, the populations predicted to receive such interference must be accounted for in determining  X -levels of de minimis interference. Where a DTV station employs antenna beam tilting to increase its power above the power  X#-authorized in Appendix B of the Order (see below), it will be treated in the manner of a  X|$-"checklist" application for purposes of determining de minimis interference to DTV and NTSC cochannel stations and DTV allotments. The protection of such a station and its effect as a cochannel "surrounding" station will be based on its allotment parameters from Appendix B  X9'-of the Order and not on its authorized facilities or those requested in an application. "9' 0*((%" Similarly, such a station's effect on adjacentchannel DTV allotments and DTV and NTSC  X-stations will be based on its allotment parameters from Appendix B of the Order for those stations located beyond the notification distances described below. The Mass Media Bureau has compiled the additional attached lists of: (1) DTV allotments that  X-exceed the allowed cumulative de minimis interference level of 10% based on Appendix B of  Xz-the Order, (2) NTSC stations that exceed the allowed cumulative de minimis interference level  Xe-of 10% based on Appendix B of the Order, and (3) applications which have been granted as "checklist" applications. The Bureau will post these lists on its web site at www.fcc.gov and periodically update them.  X -]Antenna Beam Tiltingă A UHF DTV station may be built using antenna beam tilting to direct higher power toward closein viewers while not exceeding its "reference" field strengths at its noiselimited signal contour based on its allotted power, HAAT and site and as determined from the Commission's F(50,90) propagation model. For such operation, maximum power may not exceed 1,000 kW, the amount of electrical beam tilt must exceed 1.0 degree, and unacceptable interference must not be caused to any authorized NTSC station, DTV station or DTV allotment. Applicants proposing increased power through beam tilting are not subject to the  X%-temporary 200 kW UHF cap on effective radiated power. Z%^k yO-#X\  P6G;IP#э The Commission has received a petition to reconsider the temporary 200 kW power limit adopted in the  {Of-Order. That petition also raises the issue of how the Commission should resolve mutually exclusive DTV service maximization applications. Therefore, these issues are not addressed in this Public Notice. Applicants must include a complete description of the proposed antenna system, including a determination of the depression angle to the radio horizon and the antenna gain and resulting ERP at that depression angle. These determinations must be made for at least 36 evenly spaced radial directions, starting at 0 degrees True North. In each direction, the calculated ERP must be less than the allotment reference ERP value, assuming 1 dB of additional antenna gain over the gain specified by the manufacturer. This demonstration is considered sufficient to establish that unacceptable cochannel interference would not be caused in cases where the station's proposed antenna site is within 5 kilometers of its allotment reference site and the allotment HAAT is not exceeded. If these conditions are not met, applicants must show for each radial direction that the predicted field strength at the F(50,90) noiselimited contour is at least 1 dB less than the corresponding reference field strength. An additional showing is required if an adjacentchannel DTV or NTSC TV station is close enough that unacceptable interference may be caused. Stations that must be considered are those within the outer distances of the minimum separation requirements for new DTV allotments given in Section 73.623(d). These distances are 110 kilometers (km) for other DTV stations and 106 km for NTSC stations. If there are any stations or DTV allotments"#  0*((e"" within these distances, the application must include a technical showing that interference does  X-not exceed the de minimis standard set forth in Section 73.623(c) of the rules. In addition, applicants must notify adjacentchannel stations within the distances indicated in the preceding paragraph, cochannel NTSC TV stations within 217.3 km if either the NTSC or the DTV application site is in TV Zone I (defined in Section 73.609, but generally the portion of the northeastern U.S. containing the largest cities), cochannel NTSC TV stations within 244.6 km if neither the NTSC nor the DTV application site is in TV Zone I, broadcasters with cochannel DTV stations or allotments within 196.3 km if either the DTV station or the DTV application site is in TV Zone I, and within 223.7 km if neither the DTV station nor the DTV application site is in TV Zone 1. Such stations may file informal objections in response to the application, where they can demonstrate that the amount of  X -interference would exceed the allowed de minimis levels. In general, such applications will not be acted on until at least 10 days after the application is filed in order to allow time for such objections to be filed. Applications proposing increased power through antenna beam tilting may not be styled as "checklist" applications in view of the notification requirements and the possible need to include analyses of interference to adjacent channel stations. While the rules do not require an interference showing or station notification for NTSC stations on "taboo" channels, DTV applicants should be aware that if they are close enough, the NTSC stations may receive unacceptable interference. For this purpose, a "taboo" channel relationship exists where the NTSC station would be 2, 3, 4, 7 or 8 channels below the DTV station channel or the NTSC station would be 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14 or 15 channels above the DTV station channel. For such stations, the distances specified for new DTV allotments in Section 73.623(d) are: 80.5 km if either the NTSC or the DTV application site is in TV Zone I; and 96.6 km if neither the NTSC nor the DTV application site is in TV Zone I.  XR- DTV Allotment Exchangesă Through the application process, broadcasters are permitted to negotiate exchanges of DTV  X -allotments in the same community, same TV market or in adjacent markets#footnote reference##XP\  P6Q XP#, thereby affording them increased flexibility to operate facilities best meeting their needs and without subjecting  X-them to time consuming allocation rule making proceedings.M \= {O"-#X\  P6G;IP#э See Order at para. 146. A broadcaster otherwise seeking to change its allotted DTV channel must petition  {O"-the Commission for rule making to amend the DTV Allotment Table. See Section 73.622(a) of the Commission's Rules.M Such exchanges may also include changes to the technical parameters of allotments, provided there is no resulting  X!-interference to other stations beyond allowable de minimis levels or that affected stations agree to accept such interference and the Commission determines that an agreement serves the public interest and complies with other pertinent rules."#  0*((e""ԌApplications to implement DTV allotment exchanges should be submitted together as a package and should include the following attachments: (1) a cover letter noting the allotment exchange and the parties involved, (2) the exchange agreement signed by all parties to the agreement, (3) required interference studies or agreements with all other affected parties and (4) a showing as to why a grant of the exchange would serve the public interest.  Xv-The DTV service populations in Appendix B of the Order used to calculate de minimis interference were derived from the allotment parameters needed to replicate the service of the paired NTSC station. Thus, for allotment exchanges with modified parameters, it may be  X3-necessary to establish new baseline populations. See the above discussion of de minimis interference. For this situation, when a nonchecklist DTV application is granted in connection with a channel swap, only the authorized DTV facilities will be protected from interference  X -(not the DTV allotment facilities in Appendix B of the Order). Although this Public Notice focuses on application processing, it is important to point out that the Commission also adopted a flexible policy for broadcasters to negotiate changes in the DTV Allotment Table. In this regard, the Commission will seek to accommodate petitions to amend the DTV Table to modify allotments based on negotiated agreements that cannot be handled in the application process; that is, involving channels not allotted to any of the parties to the agreement. Once the table is amended through the allocation process to reflect an agreement, applications for the allotments would not be subject to the filing of competing applications.  X- Interference Conflicts Between NTSC Applicationsă  X-j and DTV Allotments and Authorizationsă  X-Minor modification NTSC applications. In the Order, the Commission stated that would be necessary to limit modifications of NTSC facilities where such modifications would conflict with DTV allotments and that it would consider the impact on DTV allotments in determining whether to grant applications for modification of NTSC facilities that were pending after April  X?-3, 1997.  ?^k {O-#X\  P6G;IP#э See also the Sixth Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making in MM Docket No. 87268, 11 FCC Rcd  {O-10968 (1996) and the DTV Sixth Report and Order, id.  It did not provide a de minimis interference standard for interference from NTSC stations to DTV stations and allotments. NTSC modification proposals are not permitted to cause any additional interference to DTV (but note the rounding statement above.) The Bureau is evaluating the impact of NTSC modification applications on DTV allotments and is finding that a majority of these applications can be granted without adverse impact on DTV allotments. Applications proposing facilities that are predicted to cause additional interference to DTV allotments or authorized DTV service will be dismissed. "r$ $ 0*((F#"Ԍ X-New NTSC station applications. In the DTV proceeding, the Commission indicated that it would "protect and maintain those vacant NTSC allotments that are the subject of pending applications and will avoid creating DTV allotments that would conflict with proposed new  X-NTSC allotments." ^k {O4-#X\  P6G;IP#э DTV Sixth Report and Order, id. at para. 112. The issue of resolving DTV conflicts with pending applications for new  X-NTSC stations has been raised in a petition for reconsideration of the DTV Order and, therefore, is not addressed in this Notice. We have estimated that response to this collection of information will take 27 hours. Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through existing records, gather and maintain the required data, and actually complete and review the requested information. If you have any comments on this estimate, or on how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden is causes you, please write the Federal Communications Commission, AMD-PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060-0841), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept your comments via the Internet if you send them to jboley@fcc.gov. Please DO NOT SEND COMPLETED DATA TO THIS ADDRESS. Remember - you are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060-0841. THE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, P.L. 104-31, OCTOBER 1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3507. For additional information, contact Keith A. Larson, Office of the Bureau Chief, Mass Media Bureau at (202) 4182600, Gordon Godfrey of the Policy and Rules Division at (202) 4182190 or Clay Pendarvis or John Morgan, Video Services Division, at (202) 4181600. By the Chief Mass Media Bureau "9 Z 0*((]"  yO-Q|^kDTV ALLOTMENTS WHERE NTSCSERVICE IS GREATER THAN DTVSERVICEQhp&҇4 <DL!` h#X\  P6G;IP#STATE@CITY` ` DTV CHANNELNTSCSERVICE 0@` `  POPULATION 0@` `  (THOUSANDS)  yOX-  yO -AK0ANCHORAGE` ` 22 (NTSC 5)266  yO-AK0ANCHORAGE` ` 26 (NTSC 9)268  yO-AL0FLORENCE` ` 14 (NTSC 15)285  yOx-AL0MOBILE` ` 47 (NTSC 15)1039  yO@-AR0FORT SMITH` ` 27 (NTSC 24)410  yO-AR0JONESBORO` ` 9 (NTSC 8)630  yO-AZ0FLAGSTAFF` ` 22 (NTSC 2)196  yO-AZ0PHOENIX` ` 17 (NTSC 5)2234  yO` -AZ0PHOENIX` ` 24 (NTSC 3)2234  yO( -AZ0TUCSON` ` 23 (NTSC 4)806  yO -AZ0TUCSON` ` 30 (NTSC 6)741  yO -AZ0TUCSON` ` 35 (NTSC 9)702  yO -CA0ANAHEIM` ` 32 (NTSC 56)11398  yOH -CA0EUREKA` ` 16 (NTSC 3)139  yO-CA0EUREKA` ` 17 (NTSC 6)143  yO-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 31 (NTSC 5)14401  yO-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 35 (NTSC 34)12427  yOh-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 36 (NTSC 4)14262  yO0-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 42 (NTSC 22)12151  yO-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 43 (NTSC 9)12876  yO-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 53 (NTSC 7)13555  yO-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 59 (NTSC 28)12621  yOP-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 60 (NTSC 2)14289  yO-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 65 (NTSC 11)13536  yO-CA0LOS ANGELES` ` 66 (NTSC 13)13490  yO-CA0MODESTO` ` 18 (NTSC 19)2748  yOp-CA0MONTEREY` ` 32 (NTSC 46)705  yO8-CA0OAKLAND` ` 56 (NTSC 2)5970  yO-CA0PALM SPRINGS` ` 46 (NTSC 36)259  yO-CA0PALM SPRINGS` ` 52 (NTSC 42)927  yO-CA0SACRAMENTO` ` 21 (NTSC 31)3554  yOX-CA0SACRAMENTO` ` 48 (NTSC 29)1575  yO -CA0SACRAMENTO` ` 61 (NTSC 10)4047  yO-CA0SAN BERNARDINO` ` 38 (NTSC 30)11248  yO-CA0SAN BERNARDINO` ` 61 (NTSC 18)11875  yOx-CA0SAN DIEGO` ` 30 (NTSC 15)2548  yO@-CA0SAN FRANCISCO` ` 24 (NTSC 7)5866  yO -CA0SAN FRANCISCO` ` 29 (NTSC 5)5968  yO -CA0SAN FRANCISCO` ` 51 (NTSC 14)5313  yO!-CA0SAN JOSE` ` 50 (NTSC 54)4349  yO`"-CA0SAN LUIS OBISPO` ` 15 (NTSC 6)414  yO(#-CA0SANTA BARBARA` ` 27 (NTSC 3)1276  yO#-CA0STOCKTON` ` 25 (NTSC 13)4593  yO$-CA0STOCKTON` ` 46 (NTSC 58)3377  yO%-CO0BOULDER` ` 15 (NTSC 14)2095"% 0*&&aa`'"  yO-STATECITYzzDTV CHANNEL " "ENTSCSERVICE vzz " "EPOPULATION vzz " "E(THOUSANDS)  yOX-  yO -COvDENVERzz34 (NTSC 2) " "E2312  yO-COvDENVERzz35 (NTSC 4) " "E2340  yO-COvFORT COLLINSzz21 (NTSC 22) " "E431  yOx-COvGLENWOOD SPRINGzz23 (NTSC 3) " "E85  yO@-COvGRAND JUNCTIONzz15 (NTSC 4) " "E106  yO-CTvBRIDGEPORTzz42 (NTSC 43) " "E2664  yO-CTvHARTFORDzz5 (NTSC 61) " "E3792  yO-CTvHARTFORDzz33 (NTSC 3) " "E3877  yO` -CTvNEW HAVENzz6 (NTSC 59) " "E4424  yO( -DCvWASHINGTONzz33 (NTSC 32) " "E5777  yO -DCvWASHINGTONzz36 (NTSC 5) " "E6533  yO -DCvWASHINGTONzz39 (NTSC 7) " "E6365  yO -DCvWASHINGTONzz51 (NTSC 50) " "E5376  yOH -FLvCOCOAzz51 (NTSC 52) " "E1510  yO-FLvGAINESVILLEzz16 (NTSC 20) " "E547  yO-FLvJACKSONVILLEzz13 (NTSC 12) " "E1091  yO-FLvLEESBURGzz40 (NTSC 55) " "E1965  yOh-FLvMIAMIzz19 (NTSC 39) " "E3725  yO0-FLvORLANDOzz22 (NTSC 35) " "E1971  yO-FLvORLANDOzz41 (NTSC 65) " "E2061  yO-FLvPALM BEACHzz49 (NTSC 61) " "E1445  yO-FLvST. PETERSBURGzz24 (NTSC 10) " "E2795  yOP-FLvST. PETERSBURGzz57 (NTSC 38) " "E2918  yO-FLvTALLAHASSEEzz2 (NTSC 40) " "E362  yO-FLvTAMPAzz12 (NTSC 13) " "E3387  yO-FLvTAMPAzz34 (NTSC 16) " "E2772  yOp-GAvATLANTAzz21 (NTSC 30) " "E2956  yO8-GAvATLANTAzz43 (NTSC 69) " "E2961  yO-GAvMONROEzz44 (NTSC 63) " "E3051  yO-GAvWRENSzz36 (NTSC 20) " "E614  yO-HIvHONOLULUzz18 (NTSC 11) " "E836  yOX-HIvHONOLULUzz22 (NTSC 2) " "E836  yO -HIvHONOLULUzz39 (NTSC 38) " "E836  yO-HIvHONOLULUzz40 (NTSC 4) " "E836  yO-HIvKAILUA KONAzz25 (NTSC 6) " "E145  yOx-HIvWAILUKUzz24 (NTSC 3) " "E138  yO@-IAvSIOUX CITYzz28 (NTSC 27) " "E262  yO -IDvBOISEzz21 (NTSC 4) " "E395  yO -IDvBOISEzz28 (NTSC 2) " "E396  yO!-IDvIDAHO FALLSzz36 (NTSC 3) " "E237  yO`"-IDvLEWISTONzz32 (NTSC 3) " "E141  yO(#-IDvMOSCOWzz35 (NTSC 12) " "E151  yO#-ILvAURORAzz59 (NTSC 60) " "E8277  yO$-ILvCHICAGOzz43 (NTSC 38) " "E8099  yO%-ILvJOLIETzz53 (NTSC 66) " "E8010H% 0*&&aa`'$H& `' `'&&aaH  yO-STATE@CITY` ` DTV CHANNELNTSCSERVICE 0@` `  POPULATION 0@` `  (THOUSANDS)  yOX-  yO -IL0PEORIA` ` 39 (NTSC 59)409  yO-IL0URBANA` ` 26 (NTSC 27)336  yO-IN0EVANSVILLE` ` 58 (NTSC 14)577  yOx-IN0EVANSVILLE` ` 59 (NTSC 25)588  yO@-IN0FORT WAYNE` ` 40 (NTSC 39)689  yO-IN0KOKOMO` ` 54 (NTSC 29)1187  yO-IN0SOUTH BEND` ` 35 (NTSC 34)961  yO-KS0TOPEKA` ` 23 (NTSC 11)909  yO` -KY0NEWPORT` ` 29 (NTSC 19)2340  yO( -LA0BATON ROUGE` ` 42 (NTSC 2)2324  yO -LA0BATON ROUGE` ` 45 (NTSC 44)985  yO -LA0LAKE CHARLES` ` 8 (NTSC 7)940  yO -LA0LAKE CHARLES` ` 20 (NTSC 18)374  yOH -LA0NEW ORLEANS` ` 31 (NTSC 32)1381  yO-LA0NEW ORLEANS` ` 43 (NTSC 6)1788  yO-LA0WEST MONROE` ` 36 (NTSC 14)598  yO-MA0BOSTON` ` 30 (NTSC 4)6716  yOh-MA0CAMBRIDGE` ` 41 (NTSC 56)5805  yO0-MA0LAWRENCE` ` 18 (NTSC 62)4377  yO-MA0SPRINGFIELD` ` 55 (NTSC 40)2146  yO-MD0BALTIMORE` ` 38 (NTSC 13)6187  yO-MD0BALTIMORE` ` 40 (NTSC 54)5667  yOP-MD0BALTIMORE` ` 52 (NTSC 2)7078  yO-MD0FREDERICK` ` 28 (NTSC 62)1990  yO-MD0SALISBURY` ` 56 (NTSC 28)341  yO-ME0POLAND SPRING` ` 46 (NTSC 8)995  yOp-ME0PORTLAND` ` 38 (NTSC 13)995  yO8-MI0DETROIT` ` 21 (NTSC 20)4692  yO-MI0DETROIT` ` 43 (NTSC 56)4720  yO-MI0DETROIT` ` 44 (NTSC 62)4695  yO-MI0FLINT` ` 16 (NTSC 66)1571  yOX-MI0GRAND RAPIDS` ` 7 (NTSC 8)1949  yO -MI0GRAND RAPIDS` ` 19 (NTSC 17)1488  yO-MI0KALAMAZOO` ` 2 (NTSC 3)2051  yO-MI0KALAMAZOO` ` 45 (NTSC 64)1439  yOx-MI0MOUNT CLEMENS` ` 39 (NTSC 38)4167  yO@-MI0SAULT STE. MARI` ` 56 (NTSC 8)82  yO -MN0DULUTH` ` 33 (NTSC 3)278  yO -MO0ST. JOSEPH` ` 53 (NTSC 2)1498  yO!-MS0BILOXI` ` 16 (NTSC 19)648  yO`"-MS0GULFPORT` ` 48 (NTSC 25)767  yO(#-MS0OXFORD` ` 36 (NTSC 18)348  yO#-MT0BILLINGS` ` 17 (NTSC 2)136  yO$-MT0BILLINGS` ` 18 (NTSC 6)135  yO%-MT0BUTTE` ` 15 (NTSC 4)138"% 0*&&aa`'"  yO-STATECITYzzDTV CHANNEL " "ENTSCSERVICE vzz " "EPOPULATION vzz " "E(THOUSANDS)  yOX-  yO -MTvGREAT FALLSzz44 (NTSC 3) " "E89  yO-MTvHARDINzz22 (NTSC 4) " "E136  yO-MTvMISSOULAzz36 (NTSC 23) " "E118  yOx-MTvMISSOULAzz40 (NTSC 13) " "E131  yO@-NCvASHEVILLEzz56 (NTSC 13) " "E1786  yO-NCvCHARLOTTEzz24 (NTSC 42) " "E1606  yO-NCvDURHAMzz27 (NTSC 28) " "E2096  yO-NCvFAYETTEVILLEzz38 (NTSC 40) " "E2229  yO` -NCvHICKORYzz40 (NTSC 14) " "E511  yO( -NCvKANNAPOLISzz50 (NTSC 64) " "E1497  yO -NCvLUMBERTONzz25 (NTSC 31) " "E853  yO -NCvWINSTONSALEMzz32 (NTSC 26) " "E1642  yO -NDvMINOTzz58 (NTSC 10) " "E77  yOH -NJvCAMDENzz22 (NTSC 23) " "E6092  yO-NJvNEWARKzz61 (NTSC 13) " "E17110  yO-NJvNEWTONzz8 (NTSC 63) " "E8387  yO-NJvVINELANDzz66 (NTSC 65) " "E5868  yOh-NMvALBUQUERQUEzz25 (NTSC 5) " "E776  yO0-NMvALBUQUERQUEzz26 (NTSC 4) " "E779  yO-NMvFARMINGTONzz8 (NTSC 3) " "E114  yO-NMvSANTA FEzz27 (NTSC 2) " "E786  yO-NVvHENDERSONzz24 (NTSC 5) " "E734  yOP-NVvLAS VEGASzz16 (NTSC 15) " "E726  yO-NVvRENOzz15 (NTSC 5) " "E315  yO-NVvRENOzz23 (NTSC 8) " "E492  yO-NVvRENOzz32 (NTSC 2) " "E451  yOp-NVvRENOzz34 (NTSC 4) " "E393  yO8-NVvRENOzz44 (NTSC 11) " "E392  yO-NYvBUFFALOzz32 (NTSC 23) " "E1311  yO-NYvBUFFALOzz34 (NTSC 49) " "E1451  yO-NYvNEW YORKzz24 (NTSC 25) " "E16695  yOX-NYvNEW YORKzz30 (NTSC 31) " "E16434  yO -NYvRIVERHEADzz57 (NTSC 55) " "E3221  yO-NYvROCHESTERzz16 (NTSC 21) " "E1015  yO-NYvSMITHTOWNzz23 (NTSC 67) " "E3074  yOx-OHvAKRONzz30 (NTSC 55) " "E3478  yO@-OHvALLIANCEzz46 (NTSC 45) " "E1972  yO -OHvBOWLING GREENzz56 (NTSC 27) " "E1148  yO -OHvCINCINNATIzz10 (NTSC 9) " "E2781  yO!-OHvCINCINNATIzz31 (NTSC 12) " "E2800  yO`"-OHvCOLUMBUSzz36 (NTSC 28) " "E1675  yO(#-OHvDAYTONzz30 (NTSC 45) " "E2724  yO#-OHvMANSFIELDzz12 (NTSC 68) " "E566  yO$-OHvOXFORDzz28 (NTSC 14) " "E1202  yO%-OHvTOLEDOzz5 (NTSC 40) " "E958H% 0*&&aa`'$H&FPFP(&&aaH  yO-STATE@CITY` ` DTV CHANNELNTSCSERVICE 0@` `  POPULATION 0@` `  (THOUSANDS)  yOX-  yO -OK0OKLAHOMA CITY` ` 15 (NTSC 14)1060  yO-OK0OKLAHOMA CITY` ` 33 (NTSC 34)1078  yO-OK0OKLAHOMA CITY` ` 42 (NTSC 43)1128  yOx-OK0OKLAHOMA CITY` ` 50 (NTSC 62)1004  yO@-OK0OKLAHOMA CITY` ` 51 (NTSC 52)992  yO-OR0KLAMATH FALLS` ` 40 (NTSC 2)159  yO-OR0MEDFORD` ` 15 (NTSC 5)370  yO-OR0MEDFORD` ` 35 (NTSC 10)277  yO` -OR0MEDFORD` ` 38 (NTSC 12)314  yO( -OR0MEDFORD` ` 42 (NTSC 8)322  yO -OR0PORTLAND` ` 40 (NTSC 6)2002  yO -OR0PORTLAND` ` 43 (NTSC 2)2000  yO -OR0PORTLAND` ` 45 (NTSC 24)1762  yOH -OR0ROSEBURG` ` 19 (NTSC 4)98  yO-PA0ALLENTOWN` ` 62 (NTSC 39)2543  yO-PA0GREENSBURG` ` 50 (NTSC 40)2528  yO-PA0HARRISBURG` ` 36 (NTSC 33)1804  yOh-PA0HARRISBURG` ` 57 (NTSC 27)1653  yO0-PA0LANCASTER` ` 23 (NTSC 15)2079  yO-PA0PHILADELPHIA` ` 34 (NTSC 35)5690  yO-PA0PHILADELPHIA` ` 42 (NTSC 29)7499  yO-PA0PHILADELPHIA` ` 54 (NTSC 17)6768  yOP-PA0PITTSBURGH` ` 26 (NTSC 16)2493  yO-PA0READING` ` 25 (NTSC 51)5176  yO-PA0YORK` ` 47 (NTSC 43)2529  yO-RI0PROVIDENCE` ` 21 (NTSC 36)2569  yOp-SC0GREENVILLE` ` 9 (NTSC 29)1191  yO8-SC0GREENVILLE` ` 35 (NTSC 16)1105  yO-SC0MYRTLE BEACH` ` 18 (NTSC 43)760  yO-SD0FLORENCE` ` 25 (NTSC 3)198  yO-SD0LEAD` ` 29 (NTSC 5)149  yOX-SD0RAPID CITY` ` 22 (NTSC 3)128  yO -TN0COOKEVILLE` ` 52 (NTSC 22)347  yO-TN0KINGSPORT` ` 27 (NTSC 19)709  yO-TN0KNOXVILLE` ` 30 (NTSC 8)941  yOx-TN0MEMPHIS` ` 51 (NTSC 50)1129  yO@-TN0SNEEDVILLE` ` 41 (NTSC 2)1659  yO -TX0ALVIN` ` 36 (NTSC 67)3738  yO -TX0AMARILLO` ` 23 (NTSC 7)316  yO!-TX0ARLINGTON` ` 42 (NTSC 68)3879  yO`"-TX0AUSTIN` ` 49 (NTSC 54)1005  yO(#-TX0AUSTIN` ` 56 (NTSC 7)1269  yO#-TX0DALLAS` ` 36 (NTSC 27)4058  yO$-TX0DALLAS` ` 40 (NTSC 39)4095  yO%-TX0EL PASO` ` 15 (NTSC 14)720"% 0*&&aa`'"  yO-STATECITYzzDTV CHANNEL " "ENTSCSERVICE vzz " "EPOPULATION vzz " "E(THOUSANDS)  yOX-  yO -TXvEL PASOzz17 (NTSC 7) " "E722  yO-TXvFORT WORTHzz18 (NTSC 21) " "E4053  yO-TXvGALVESTONzz23 (NTSC 22) " "E3696  yOx-TXvSAN ANTONIOzz55 (NTSC 5) " "E1588  yO@-TXvWACOzz57 (NTSC 44) " "E608  yO-TXvWESLACOzz13 (NTSC 5) " "E675  yO-UTvCEDAR CITYzz14 (NTSC 4) " "E86  yO-UTvOGDENzz34 (NTSC 9) " "E1375  yO` -UTvSALT LAKE CITYzz35 (NTSC 2) " "E1484  yO( -UTvSALT LAKE CITYzz38 (NTSC 5) " "E1468  yO -UTvSALT LAKE CITYzz40 (NTSC 4) " "E1479  yO -UTvSALT LAKE CITYzz42 (NTSC 7) " "E1397  yO -VAvARLINGTONzz15 (NTSC 14) " "E5853  yOH -VAvBRISTOLzz28 (NTSC 5) " "E1387  yO-VAvHARRISONBURGzz49 (NTSC 3) " "E532  yO-VAvMANASSASzz43 (NTSC 66) " "E4000  yO-VAvPORTSMOUTHzz19 (NTSC 27) " "E1566  yOh-VAvRICHMONDzz24 (NTSC 23) " "E1106  yO0-VAvRICHMONDzz26 (NTSC 35) " "E1089  yO-VAvVIRGINIA BEACHzz29 (NTSC 43) " "E1573  yO-VTvBURLINGTONzz53 (NTSC 3) " "E592  yO-WAvSEATTLEzz38 (NTSC 4) " "E3061  yOP-WAvSEATTLEzz39 (NTSC 7) " "E3015  yO-WAvSEATTLEzz41 (NTSC 9) " "E2982  yO-WAvSPOKANEzz13 (NTSC 4) " "E551  yO-WAvSPOKANEzz15 (NTSC 6) " "E568  yOp-WAvTACOMAzz42 (NTSC 56) " "E3046  yO8-WIvCHIPPEWA FALLSzz49 (NTSC 48) " "E238  yO-WIvEAGLE RIVERzz28 (NTSC 34) " "E71  yO-WIvFOND DU LACzz44 (NTSC 68) " "E2424  yO-WIvJANESVILLEzz32 (NTSC 57) " "E1067  yOX-WIvMADISONzz26 (NTSC 27) " "E1071  yO -WIvMILWAUKEEzz22 (NTSC 30) " "E1848  yO-WIvMILWAUKEEzz35 (NTSC 36) " "E1875  yO-WVvBLUEFIELDzz46 (NTSC 6) " "E690  yOx-WYvCHEYENNEzz30 (NTSC 5) " "E359  yO@-WYvLANDERzz7 (NTSC 5) " "E32H@ 0*&&aa $H&,yrQ&&aaH  X-|Ո#Xj\  P6G; XP#  DTV ALLOTMENTS THAT ARE NOT SUBJECT TO  X-@ ADDITIONAL DE MINIMIS INTERFERENCE BECAUSE DTVSERVICE IS MORE THAN 10 PERCENT BELOW NTSCSERVICE TP  X-` X` px (#%'0*,.8135@8: