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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Building High-Performance Organizations in the 21st Century

Understanding the Theory and Practice of Organizational Change


This advanced program offered by the Federal Executive Institute (FEI) is based on three key assumptions: 

  • You are an expert on your organization because of your years of experience
  • You want to lead your organization into a culture of high performance
  • You are better able to bring about change when you have a foundation of organizational theory

This program will help you look inside your agency and ask, “How can I move it toward high performance?” You will link your expert knowledge about your surroundings with the best organizational theory to transform your agency into one that delivers high-quality products and services, outstanding customer value and sound financial performance. Through varied presentations and an intensive small-group format, you will get the most out of your interactions with both your colleagues and the seminar leaders. Faculty will also be  available to provide individualized feedback outside of class.

How Will You Benefit

  • Discover why most organizations today need a change in culture to raise their performance level
  • Appreciate the critical nature of leadership as the primary “lever” to begin positive organizational change
  • Learn the importance of developing and articulating a shared vision for the organization
  • Understand how commonly held organizational values can play a central role in performance building
  • Recognize organizational strategies, structures and systems that currently inhibit change and learn to use them as catalysts
Who Should Attend

SES members, GS-15s and their high-performing equivalents in state, local and international government

  • Aug 3 - 6, ‘09 @ Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, VA Register
    Starts at 1:30 p.m. on Monday and ends at 12 noon at Thursday.
Tuition includes course materials, meals, and lodging
Competencies Emphasized

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Decisiveness
  • Creativity/Innovation
  • External Awareness
  • Continual Learning


4 days.

  • Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, VA
College Credits