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Standard of Appellate Review for Jury Instructions Generally

General Instructions


Chapter 1.00 General Principles


      1.01           Introduction

      1.02           Jurors’ Duties

      1.03           Presumption of Innocence, Burden of Proof, Reasonable Doubt

      1.04           Evidence Defined

      1.05           Consideration of Evidence

      1.06           Direct and Circumstantial Evidence

      1.07           Credibility of Witnesses

      1.08           Number of Witnesses

      1.09           Lawyers’ Objections


Chapter 2.00 Defining the Crime and Related Matters

         2.01           Introduction

      2.01A        Separate Consideration - Single Defendant Charged with Multiple Crimes

      2.01B        Separate Consideration - Multiple Defendants Charged with a Single Crime

      2.01C        Separate Consideration - Multiple Defendants Charged with Same Crimes

      2.01D        Separate Consideration - Multiple Defendants Charged with Different Crimes

      2.02           Definition of the Crime

      2.03           Definition of Lesser Offense

      2.04           On or About

      2.05           Willfully

      2.06           Knowingly

      2.07           Specific Intent

      2.08           Inferring Required Mental State

      2.09           Deliberate Ignorance

      2.10           Actual and Constructive Possession

      2.10A        Actual Possession

      2.11           Joint Possession


Chapter 3.00 Conspiracy

      3.01A        Conspiracy to Commit an Offense--Basic Elements

      3.01B        Conspiracy to Defraud the United States--Basic Elements

      3.02           Agreement

      3.03           Defendant’s Connection to the Conspiracy

      3.04           Overt Acts

      3.05           Bad Purpose or Corrupt Motive

      3.06          Unindicted, Unnamed or Separately Tried Co-Conspirators

      3.07           Venue

      3.08          Multiple Conspiracies--Material Variance From the Indictment

      3.09          Multiple Conspiracies--Factors in Determining

      3.10          Pinkerton Liability for Substantive Offenses Committed by Others

      3.11A        Withdrawal as a Defense to Conspiracy

      3.11B        Withdrawal as a Defense to Substantive Offenses Committed by Others

      3.11C        Withdrawal as a Defense to Conspiracy Based on the Statute of Limitations

      3.12          Duration of a Conspiracy

      3.13          Impossibility of Success

      3.14          Statements by Co-Conspirators


Chapter 4.00 Aiding and Abetting

      4.01           Aiding and Abetting

      4.01A        Causing an Act

      4.02           Accessory After the Fact


Chapter 5.00 Attempts

      5.01           Attempt-Basic Elements

      5.02           Sham Controlled Substance Cases

      5.03           Abandonment or Renunciation


Chapter 6.00 Defenses

      6.01           Defense Theory

      6.02           Alibi

      6.03           Entrapment

      6.04           Insanity

      6.05           Coercion/Duress

      6.06           Self-Defense

      6.07           Justification

      6.08           Fraud – Good Faith Defense

      6.09           Entrapment by Estoppel


Chapter 7.00 Special Evidentiary Matters

      7.01           Introduction

      7.02A        Defendant's Election Not to Testify or Present Evidence

      7.02B        Defendant’s Testimony

      7.02C        Witness Other than Defendant Invoking the Fifth Amendment

      7.03          Opinion Testimony

      7.04           Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement Not Under Oath

      7.05A        Impeachment of Defendant by Prior Conviction

      7.05B        Impeachment of a Witness Other Than Defendant by Prior Conviction

      7.06A        Testimony of a Paid Informant

      7.06B        Testimony of an Addict-Informant Under Grant of Immunity or Reduced Criminal Liability

      7.07          Testimony of a Witness Under Grant of Immunity or Reduced Criminal Liability

      7.08           Testimony of an Accomplice

      7.09           Character and Reputation of Defendant

      7.10           Age of Witness

      7.11           Identification Testimony

      7.12           Summaries and Other Materials Not Admitted in Evidence

      7.12A        Secondary-Evidence Summaries Admitted in Evidence

      7.13          Other Acts of Defendant

      7.14          Flight, Concealment of Evidence, False Exculpatory Statements

      7.15          Silence in the Face of Accusation [withdrawn]

      7.16          Possession of Recently Stolen Property

      7.17          Transcriptions of Tape Recordings

      7.18          Separate Consideration--Evidence Admitted Against Certain Defendants Only

      7.19           Judicial Notice


Chapter 8.00 Deliberation and Verdict

      8.01           Introduction

      8.02           Experiments, Research and Investigation

      8.03           Unanimous Verdict

      8.03A        Unanimity of Theory [withdrawn]

      8.03B        Unanimity Not Required – Means

      8.03C        Unanimity Required – Statutory Maximum Penalty Increased, Controlled Substances

      8.04           Duty to Deliberate

      8.05           Punishment

      8.06           Verdict Form

      8.07           Lesser Offense, Order of Deliberations, Verdict Form

      8.08          Verdict Limited to Charges Against This Defendant

      8.09           Court Has No Opinion

      8.10          Juror Notes


Chapter 9.00 Supplemental Instructions

      9.01           Supplemental Instructions in Response to Juror Questions

      9.02           Rereading of Testimony

      9.03           Partial Verdicts

      9.04           Deadlocked Jury

      9.05           Questionable Unanimity After Polling

Elements Instructions

Chapter 10.00 Fraud Offenses

      10.01         Mail Fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1341)

      10.02         Wire Fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1343)

      10.03         Bank Fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1344)

      10.04         Fraud – Good Faith Defense

Chapter 11.00 Money Laundering Offenses

      11.01         Money Laundering – Domestic Financial Transaction (18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1)(A) (intent to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity))

      11.02         Money Laundering – Domestic Financial Transaction (18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1)(B) (knowing the transaction is designed to conceal facts related to proceeds))

      11.03         Money Laundering – International Transportation (18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(2)(A) (intent to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity))

      11.04         Money Laundering – International Transportation (18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(2)(B) (knowing that the transportation involves proceeds of some form of unlawful activity and that it is designed to conceal facts related to proceeds))

      11.05         Money Laundering – Undercover Investigation (18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(3))

      11.06         Money Laundering – Engaging in Monetary Transactions in Property Derived from Specified Unlawful Activity (18 U.S.C. § 1957)

Chapter 12.00 Firearms Offenses

      12.01         Firearms – Possession of Firearm by Convicted Felon (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1))

      12.02         Firearms – Using or Carrying a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence or Drug Trafficking Crime (18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1)(A)(i))

      12.03         Firearms – Possessing a Firearm in Furtherance of a Crime of Violence or Drug Trafficking Crime (18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1)(A)(i))

Chapter 13.00 False Statements to the United States Government

      13.01         Concealing a Material Fact in a Matter within the Jurisdiction of the United States Government (18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(1))

      13.02         Making a False Statement in a Matter within the Jurisdiction of the United States Government (18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2))

      13.03         Making or Using a False Writing in a Matter within the Jurisdiction of the United States Government (18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(3))


      18 U.S.C. § 1956 Laundering of monetary instruments – diagrams of offense


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