United States Capitol Police Press Releases: Grand Jury Declines To Return Indictment
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United States Capitol Police Acting Chief Christopher M. McGaffin
Public Information Office  
119 D Street, NE  
Washington, D.C. 20510 Immediate
(202) 224-1677  

Grand Jury Declines To Return Indictment
7:45 p.m.

On June 16, 2006, the United States Capitol Police were notified by the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia that a District of Columbia Superior Court grand jury has declined to return an indictment in the case of the alleged assault by Representative Cynthia McKinney of United States Capitol Police Officer Paul McKenna. The United States Capitol Police respect the decision of the grand jury and appreciate the extensive and thorough investigative work of the United States Attorney's Office. The United States Capitol Police commend the professionalism of Officer Paul McKenna and the diligence of its investigative units in presenting this case to the United States Attorney's Office for its consideration.

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If you have any questions regarding this release or security procedures, please contact the United States Capitol Police Public Information Office at 202-224-1677.

  Prepared by:
  Sergeant Kimberly Schneider
  United States Capitol Police
  Public Information Officer